So hubby and I packed up what we needed at the trailer and brought everything home. OY! We each made two trips from the car to the condo. Then I had a long nap. After that I started to unpack. What a mess! There is mostly food. Way too much junk. I am giving a lot to my cleaning lady today. There is no way we are going to eat it all. Hubby used to take it to Florida but who wants food that has been lying around in the heat all summer.
After supper we started to talk. We are going to go through our bills one at a time and try to cut out and down on services we can live without. Wish us good luck. At least we were talking. I reminded him that I need patience as I am very BAD when it comes to money. That is I need things explained carefully and maybe a few times. I don’t do it on purpose. It just takes awhile for it to sink in!
I suggested we cut out our landlines but we have to check if we need them for the internet. We will cut down or out some of our TV channels.
So that’s the latest.
Tomorrow I am going to the eye doctor. Then to play Canasta. Tuesday night starts YOM KIPPUR. It’s a short week for us. I will be busy.
The weather has cooled down a lot. I am happy.
Anyhow maybe I’ll go back to bed. I am sure you have heard that before. LOL!

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September 24, 2012

I’m glad you two began talking and deciding what to do about the finances together! :o) !! Happy going-back-to-bed. I wish I could do that today! There might be a nap in store when I get home from work. hugs, Nicky

September 24, 2012

so glad you two are talking about finances. in the long run, it will be a good thing. might not be easy but it has to be done. take care,

September 24, 2012

Working together on the finances sounds like a step in the right direction. If you have a bundle package with your landline, (phone, internet and cable) you can get the phone dropped in most cases…unless you have one of those package deals for a certain amount of time (like a year). Good luck to you!!!

September 24, 2012

It’s so good to hear that you are going to begin talking about finances! It’s a start.

September 24, 2012

Sounds like you are making a good start at this. Hope this is a good day for you. Love,

September 24, 2012

If you and your hubby can cooperate on money issues, you will both be a lot happier. Once you start cutting back, you will be surprised how much you can do without. I got rid of my landline and save $50 a month. I do not need it for the internet.I still have cable but once my bill goes back up in 6 months I will get rid of it and get Netflix, it is only 8 bucks a month. Go to the library and rentDVDs and CDs instead of buying them and borrow books instead of buying them.Then you will have more money to do other fun things!

September 24, 2012

Sounds like good progress and that you’re in a better place!

September 24, 2012

communication is the key to resolving many issues. Sounds like all is where it needs to be for a positive outcome. Very best wishes, A

September 24, 2012

sound better than the situation in your last entry I read. Welcome home. hugs p