
The weather is bad today. FREEZING RAIN!!!! I am suppose to go to the bank but may not. I have a hard enough time walking with my walker. Icy sidewalks would not help.

My son came for supper last night. He brought bagels, cream chese and lox. Nice and easy. He stayed quite late so we had a great talk. I learned many things I never knew.

I will be moving next Sunday. I am looking forward to it. So far I only signed a three month lease. If I like it I’ll move in permanently. It’s a residence for independent seniors.

My daughter is so aggravating!~ She has not been in touch for weeks. She knows I sold the condo in Florida and that I’m moving. 



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December 27, 2019

Sounds like your son and you had a great time…..

December 28, 2019

I hope the residence for independent seniors works out for you.  It sounds like it may be a good thing.  Congratulations on selling your condo.  I hope your daughter will get in touch with you soon.