what a beautiful day!

Saturday my friends Dawn and Ryan invited me to come with them to their friend DJ’s birthday party. I was only there for an hour because I had class in the morning but it was fun! Dawn surprised me with a very sweet gift for my birthday 🙂 It was a frame that said friends and had pictures of her and I, Roxy and I, and one of just me 🙂 She also gave me some stationary and a compact mirror! Anisha had given me a frame of the two of us. I just love gifts like that! Anything that has thought put into it, whether it be hand made or put together with a personal touch  🙂 I also love cards. Words mean so much. I have a huge box FILLED to the brim with birthday cards, letters, etc going back to the 3rd grade! I know it’s probably a bad habit, but it makes me smile to look through them. I will probably have to organize and just keep my favorite ones soon though so I can make room for more. 

Anyway I am so grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life 🙂 I love them all so much!

Last night I went over to Anishas to watch Love and Other Drugs. It reminded me of a rated R version of A Walk To Remember. It really shocked me how much nudity was in it and how intimate the movie was. I felt like every moment was up close and personal which made me feel uncomfortable, but fascinated at the same time. Anyway, I won’t go into detail about it, but I liked it of course because it was romantic. Just one of those films that make us girls think "If only love was really like that"
. Romantic films always paint love in this pretty picture with the guy doing romantic things like waiting all night outside a girls house until morning in order to talk to her, or chasing down a bus that a girl is on and riding along side of it honking and getting the girls attention because he doesn’t want her to leave. I mean, who does that? That’s what sells though, because we all want that, wish for that, fantasize about love being all sweet and happily ever after. When in fact, love has become sloppy.
Men no longer court women, probably because women no longer have self respect and just give it up, which in turn makes men think they can treat women with disrespect, which in turn make women feel unwanted and even more insecure. Such a bad chain reaction!  I’m not saying all women and men are like this, but it’s the average now days. I am a strong, confident women, and have come across many men who, when meeting me, had already put me in some catergory, such as being easy, or full of myself, based on my appearance. 
It isn’t until I show them that I am a respectable woman by calling them out on their bullshit that they try to be all sincere. Whats up with that? People should treat everyone they meet with respect and manners unless they have reason not to.  Judgement and assumptions are never a good first impression. Dang.  Since free love in the 1960’s the value of sex and love and morals has gone down the drain.

Anyway, enough of that. I tend to go off on these little tangents and my mind keeps wandering.

Today I woke up and the sun was shining and birds were singing. Jake came up and rubbed his big fat head across my face haha. I just feel really good today! I went for a run on the treadmill at the fitness center where I live and afterwards, as I was all sweaty and gross, I ran into one of the security guards who I see all the time and he told me that I look very beautiful without my makeup, like my inner beauty shines through. I laughed and said, haha okay, and he said "No really! I mean it from the bottom of my heart!" I told him he was sweet and said thank you. Inside my head I was thinking "REALLY?" lol so that made my afternoon haha. Who knew I looked good covered in sweat with messy hair and glasses on?

Now I’m going to take a shower and head to the post office to pick up a package before it closes. Then I am going to go to the bank to cash some checks and close my savings and open a checking account. That will probably take over an hour because banks and insurance companies and cable companies always tend to take way too much time doing something that should be rather simple.

After that, Whitney (my lovely roommate and friend) and I are going to go search for the perfect shade to paint the front wall of our apartment! I’m excited! It’s going to look awesome and make our apartment look more like a home! This morning I talked to my sister for an hour on the treadmill and she might be coming to see me this weekend! Yay! So stoked! 

Okay gotta fun! Lates!

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February 7, 2011

Morals…that is the second time today I have read about these things called morals…I MUST google these mysterious things.

February 7, 2011

I kind of want to see that Love and Other Drugs movie…

February 11, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday. Painting? How incredibly fun! And there is something very special about making something yours through decoration and color! Have a blast!

February 17, 2011

AWWW I so miss sunshine and the sound of birds chirping… come on spring!!! Your so lucky you have such great friends; they are such a treasure :). ryn: I hope we do decide to go to Chicago I’ve always wanted to go :).