Describe your first love

I met my first love at 17. She was a year younger than me but I just loved everything about her, even the bad parts. Unfortunately I was so blinded by my love for her that I didn’t recognize her abusive qualities and put up with a lot of stuff that no 17 year old should ever have to deal with. We broke up when I was 18 after I had discovered she had been cheating on me with her coworker while I was visiting her for three weeks. I found a letter she had written to give me on my flight home, basically detailing how long-distance was too hard for her and she knew I deserved so much better than what she was giving me. It was definitely a low in my life but I grew so much from that and learned so much from her.

What were your first loves like?

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March 8, 2022

At 15 I sat in the a booth at a burger joint with my girlfriends playing card games. He was 16 and worked there. He took a break and sat in another booth next to us. We made eye contact, and spent the entire summer flirting just like that. At the end of summer he finally introduced himself and asked me on a date. We were electric. The connection was so intense. But like most young, immature, intense connections – we had no real idea how to form a meaningful sustainable healthy relationship. We spent all of high school and some of college on again off again, with painfully beautiful moments of bliss and love. Until I finally  couldn’t take being on the yoyo anymore. That relationship taught me everything I did and didn’t want, and also needed, in a relationship. How to communicate on a deeper level. So thankful that I had him as my first love.

Your first love sounds heartbreaking, but we learn from those the best.

March 21, 2022

@iwanttofly Your first love sounds like a movie, heartbreakingly beautiful. Mine definitely was heartbreaking but I grew so much from it.

March 8, 2022

my first love was kinda a bad boy! He was the best looking guy in school and at 16 he had muscles and ready to stand his own as a back belt. I was so totally in love with him blond hair blue eyes and he taught me how to get high LOL. he would sneak out of him house at night and come talk to me… I was too afraid to climb out my window. our love lasted a year then he broke up with me! I was heart broken the only man in my life to break up with me. for many many many years I still thought about him. even after my divorce I thought about him but he was in California and married. 5 years ago he died.

I am quite sure he would not have been the man I wanted as an adult but young love was amazing

March 21, 2022

@kaliko your first love sounds exhilarating and so fun. I’m sorry to hear he passed away

March 8, 2022

I met my first love in highschool when I was 16 and he was 14. He went on to date me and eventually proposing to me when I was 24. Unfortunately my foster mother broke us up… He looked a lot like Billy Corgan in the video Today.

March 21, 2022

@juliebear Thats so sad that she broke you guys up 🙁 I wish things would’ve worked out for you guys