Old Friend Group Struggles

In my previous writings I’ve talked about R and what he did to me. It’s been almost 3 years and him and my old friend group like to come to my work and watch me. It’s started about 5 months ago when they saw me working. They started coming more often after seeing me. One time they started following behind me and when I turned around they laughed and ran like it was a game. I have developed severe anxiety over this and started stressing over going to work. One day when I wasn’t there, my coworker saw them standing in the middle of the store looking around for me and confronted them. They all started saying they didn’t know who I was. Security got involved and she confronted R a little. He got really red and started shaking. She also told of them what they were doing to be in borderline harassment and stalking. They stopped coming for awhile up til last week. R and 2 other of my old friends came in and saw me. One of them gave me the finger and laughed. It’s hard going into work everyday knowing that they might come in. Security said they can’t do anything because they aren’t doing anything wrong. I just don’t know how to calm myself down when I see them.

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August 25, 2022

Is this a situation where you can get a restraining order? I know that’s not comfortable to think about but they are harassing you and it seems like it’s definitley affecting your quality of life. I’m sorry you are dealing with this, I hope you find a solution to keep them away from you!