Survey Borrowed From Laser Girl

1) My uncle once: tried to convince my parents tolet me live with him and his family in California. He lived in a fabulous house overlooking a lake and owned a Drive In Theater. He was the mayor of the town and used to race motorboats. He also owned a Rolls Royce that used to belong to Paul McCartney. He was one of my heroes. My parents said No! 🙁

2) Never in my life: will I smoke! I detest tobacco!

3) When I was five: I started kindergarten. I remember Mom telling everyone how I started crying when the teacher told the class that we would be making coasters for our mothers for Mother’s Day. When she said they were for our mother’s glasses, I started crying because my mother didn’t wear glasses.

4) High School was: an experience I wouldn’t want to repeat.

5) I will never forget: my first love. ( I married him 63 years later!)

6) I once met: Claude King, The Platters, Foster Brooks, Johnny Bench, Don Williams, John Edward, Ron Baker, Willie Robinson

7) There is this girl I know who: will always have my heart even though we lost her in a tragic accident 12 years ago – my daughter-in-law, Misty Marie

8) Once, at a bar:  so many stories, my first husband and I owned a bar…..

9) By noon I’m usually: ready to rest.

10) Last night: I went to bed early, long day at PreSchool!

11) If I only had: gone to college!

12) Next time I go to church: will be my last Sunday as greeter.

13) Terry Schiavo: ???

14) What worries me most: the safety/salvation of my loved ones.

15) When I turn my head left, I see: my bed

16) When I turn my head right, I see: a bulletin board, a calendar, Misty’s Senior picture, Michael, Michael’s best friend, Scott and Michael’s Dad in turn of the century clothing, several pictures of Michael, Michael’s obituary, baseball, tiny urn with his ashes, his class ring, and a large picture of Misty and Michael, and Michael’s Senior picture.

17) You know I’m lying when: I try my hardest not to lie, if I do, it’s a small white lie to keep from hurting feelings.

18) What I miss most about the eighties: Nothing

19) If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I’d be: lost

20) By this time next year: Don will be out of debt and we can both retire for good!

21) A better name for me would be: anything but what it is. I hate my name!

22) I have a hard time understanding: Millennials

23) If I ever go back to school: I would study harder.

24) You know I like you if: I like to make you laugh.

25) If I won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: God

26) Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens & Geraldine Ferraro: Quite a group!

27) Take my advice, never: start smoking, drinking or drugging

28) My ideal breakfast is: a piece of fruit

29) A song I love, but do not have is: I don’t have any music other than old, old record albums

30) If you visit my hometown, I suggest: you don’t buy anything, our sales tax is highest in the state!

31)Tulips, character flaws, microchips & track stars: Huh?

32) Why won ’t anyone:  listen to/respect their elders!

33) If you spend the night at my house: You had better like the smell of tobacco smoke. Ugh!

34) I’d stop my wedding for: a loved one.

35) The world could do without: Bickering

36) I d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: smoke

37) My favorite blonde is: one of my preschoolers. (Zillah)

38) Paper clips are more useful than: a lot of people.

39) If I do anything well, it is: answering 911 calls.

40) And by the way: I’m working again.

41) The last time I was drunk: It wasn’t from alcohol.

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April 25, 2018

“Don will be out of debt and we can both retire for good!” Yeah, right! LOL!

You make me laugh, so I guess you like me. 🙂

I have a hard time understanding millennials, too.

Some of these are really strange.

April 25, 2018

Oh I have missed you

April 26, 2018

Good answers.. Yoink!

April 26, 2018

Seriously?!? There’s not even one little thing you miss from the 80’s?  Miami Vice? Giant hair from the perms? There must be something…    😉

April 26, 2018

What a fun entry!  I like that you like to make people laugh.  As the old saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.

April 28, 2018

There were some odd questions.  But I loved your answers.

May 3, 2018

This is very interesting.  I wonder where some of the original questions came from:)