Checking on me?

I was casually posting things, and then I saw that my ex unblocked me and saw my stuff. I got scared, and so I logged out because I felt he was going to start texting me again, asking how I’m doing, but so far he hasn’t. I must say it feels good. I mean, he always said blocking me takes away any urges he has to text me. And he’s only been looking at my stuff, which I find odd, but I don’t know if he’s trying to check on me through social media or if he’s just stalking me. I don’t text him either; I don’t plan on texting him; it would be better if we just knew we were there. I can’t go back to texting him; I feel like I’ve been doing well without him. If we talk, it will be bad again. I don’t want to go through that pain again. I miss him like hell. I’ve needed him a lot lately, but I’m learning to deal with it by myself, and I feel mostly good about it. But I also don’t think he would text me; if he did, it would be bs because he’s the one who’s always dropping me and cutting me off, and it would take him a week or awhile to just come back to do the same thing again. Ugh, I love him so much, but right now I hate him, and he’s pissing me off.

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4 weeks ago

How long were you together?

4 weeks ago

@ashestoashes we dated for a year and like 2 months, he met my family, came to parties with us, it was my longest relationship ever

4 weeks ago


Im not sure how old you are,,but as you get older, you will come to realize, a year is a very short relationship. I recently broke up with my ex of 9 years. She cheated on me and us now with the man she cheated on me with.  True heartbreak. Not that a year is insignificant; just that, it’s not enough time to truly get to know someone. You will get over this and you will be just fine.