Broken like me

Only recently, through therapy, have I realized just how broken I am. I used to look in the mirror and say, “look at that asshole”. I seriously couldn’t see myself in a positive light.

Something good happened?  Just wait, something bad will balance it out. Because I don’t deserve good things.

Or good people.

Or to be treated well. And at this stage of the game, can you change any of that?

Who am I?  What do I deserve from life?  Am I a good person?  I know I’ve made mistakes, but I can’t possibly be the terrible person those little voices in my head tell me am.

Can I?

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August 30, 2023

I spent most of my adult life trying ro heal the damage that was done to me in my younger years. The things we say to ourselves can be horrible. Thoughts are just thoughts. I had to learn to change them. We live what we tell ourselves

August 31, 2023

@thespiritwithinme And I have learned recently that I have been telling myself some very horrible things for a long time.

August 31, 2023

@laynemeyer2 we all do.  Parents and peers say some of the cruelest things without realizing it (some do and don’t care) we carry that with us.

September 1, 2023

@thespiritwithinme We care it for a long time, and it creates behaviors and habits that end up hurrying us. But, we cannot succumb to them. We must persevere.