An efficient time waster

The house is messy, my room is messy, and I have three loads of laundry in the dryer because I keep forgetting to take the last one out before they get all wrinkled. Shoot. 

I saw Paranorman on Wednesday with Meghan. We got together after class at the Dark Horse, had sandwiches, picked up Isabell and took her to Meghan’s house to play with Russell, and then went to the movie. It was a funny movie and I really enjoyed it! I’ve been wanting to see it since it got a bit of hype among the people I follow on Tumblr and then Sam posted something on facebook about how spectacular the message and cultural relevance was. I tend to trust Sam’s judgement. I think I went in with my hopes too high because I was a little let down by some of the dialogue, but it still had really funny and/or cute parts and it does have a relevant message. I was glad I got to talk to Meghan, though. She’s very thoughtful and usually helps put things in perspective for me. We were talking about what to do after graduation. She was telling me about her friend Amy who is an education major who says it’s not smart to get a masters in teaching before getting experience anyway (because then schools have to pay you more despite your lack of experience). I asked her about China because Chinese is one of her majors and she’s always had half-developed plans to seek employment over there. She’s concerned about missing everyone back home, though. We were formulating alternatives that involved spending just a month over there to scope things out.

I’ve been having issues with purging. I’m reluctant to think too much about the underlying causes of my stress. I’m trying to monitor it, though. It’s one of those issues where I felt totally confident during recovery saying that if I ever had problems in the future I would be able to seek help, but now that I’m on the verge of what might be a relapse I can’t even entertain the possibility of talking to anyone. Meghan, maybe, but only because I’ve told her about it before and she wouldn’t suggest anything I’m not comfortable with. 

Tomorrow is my dad’s birthday (start the senior discounts!). I got him a fancy pedometer that you can download info from to your PC so you can track your activity levels. A year or so ago his work did this step-counting competition and he just continued doing it afterwards. We’ve always kind of joked about how OCD my dad is, but it’s becoming clearer more recently how he could probably be diagnosed. It’s a lot of little stuff, but it’s noticeable. Like, he gets unreasonably anxious if he doesn’t get 10K steps per day. I understand, though, so I’m trying not to tease him about it. I’m working tomorrow so I told my mom I would try to be there on the evening of the 18th.

Have you ever just been struck by a familiar scent and it totally throws off your groove? While I was working yesterday I realized that I smelled albuterol. Like, it actually felt like someone had jammed a mask over my face and was nebulizing the stuff. I looked around to see if maybe there was an older person with an oxygen mask or something, but nope. It was just so strange! That’s not  a normal smell, you know? 

I’m having the Wall Street Journal delivered to my house and I’ve become involved in a week-long battle with the delivery system. The first day the paper arrived on my driveway perfectly. After then, however, it started showing up at the house next door. I’m 740, not 730! Come on! I’ve had to call the paper twice and it didn’t even show up yesterday. I hope it’s not because of the bill. I was hoping my parents would get the bill and just take care of it for me, but I guess I’ll just pay it today and hope things get back on schedule.

I guess I also have to go pay for my locker at the gym. UGH. So much paying. Maybe I’ll grab a textbook and go hang out on an elliptical for awhile. I need to drink water first, though.

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September 16, 2012

It might be easier to talk to someone before you have a relapse, just to stop things before they get out of hand. :/ It’s great that you have a close enough relationship with Meghan to tell her this stuff. I know pride and fear of consequences makes it really hard to open up sometimes. Congratulations to your dad on the start of the senior discounts… hehe. My Mom takes full advantage of those. She even barters at stores where there is no discount. I have a smell memory too. Sometimes a smell transports me to a different place or time. I’m waiting for science to invent a smell recorder so I can capture scents along with images and sound. Did you need an oxygen mask at some point??