A little bit punchdrunk…

Not with booze but lack of sleep. I had a shitty night’s sleep last night.. which was topped off by a truly bizarre dream… where I was taken from my home and sent to live with my dead foster mother… when I found out that I was going back I drove back to Newmarket to see my baby sister who told me about this lady that was renting out apartments but I couldn’t get one bc it was fucking 2a…. so I’m like, I’ll wait… it was soooo surreal. Never eat pizza late at night. It will screw with you. 

I have a q for y’all, can you be hungry and yet not at the same time? Just wondering… um… my nose is dripping like a sieve. I hope it’s just a cold… or allergies…

Anyways, good… zz… morning.. zzzz…



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May 1, 2020

Scary dream

May 1, 2020

@kaliko Oh yeah .. Kat it was horrible!

May 1, 2020

I hope you feel better soon and get the sleep you need.  Take care of yourself and stay safe.

May 1, 2020

@jaythesmartone TY *hugs*

May 1, 2020

There are times when I want to eat but I go and nothing sounds appetizing. So then I don’t eat but I keep thinking that I need to eat.

I am sorry about your dream. I hope you sleep better tonight.

May 1, 2020

@heffay Ugh. TY <3

May 12, 2020

Hope you got some better sleep. It seems like you’ve been dreaming about your foster mom lately.

May 12, 2020

I meant like you’ve been dreaming about your foster mom quite a bit lately.