
I thought that I would keep both my OD and Prosebox… seeing as they are both quality sites AND Bees did buy this account for me. 💕
I have been spending insane amounts of time on PB. LOL I miss y’all.
What is up with everyone?
Me? Going for walks, going out on the back deck. We got two elliptical machines from Wen’s hubs. I intend to try them out. One is one with a meter and the other is just an older one.
Well, it’s almost dinner. We are having burgers.
Not much, you know? But about OD, yeah, I love it. Been here a looooong time ago. Then it went away and then one day I got an email and it was back. Soon I had to found out it wasn’t for free anymore. It was quite a disappointment, it did not quite feel the same anymore, you know? But anyway, I gave it a try and here I still am, more than a year later. Funny thing I ave not been asked for money again since. I wonder whats up with that?
Oh, btw, we had burgers too tonight 🙂 Is that a coincidence or what?
@anonypus You probably signed up for the monthly/yearly account.
@anonypus And yepp. Burgs on the bbq!
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I would much rather have hamburgers or fish burgers then almost anything…I think it’s the mayo and the pickles I like the best.
@jaythesmartone Filet O Fish?! OMG YASSSSSSSSS!!!!!
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We had burgers too! You will get quit a work out on them.
@kaliko Yes. 😀
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Hey Sammy, Yesterday and Tuesday I was really really tired both days. So I haven’t been writing in Open Diary much. Today I wrote an entry. I bought hamburger buns so I can have veggie/vegan burgers sometime. Good idea, but I already had dinner, I just had Michilina’s fried rice (those $1 TV dinners). My fried rice is much better though. Have a good evening, enjoy your burgers. Night.
@starshine57 You too hon!
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I’m actually trying to eat healthier. I’m putting lettuce and tomato on my burger. 🙂
@socialstephen Between you and @sleepygene .. IDK who is worse!! LOL
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I hope all of you are taking care with this heat…its been in the 80’s here. I have been walking, and going to the gym and doing meetups. I go back to work in two weeks. I can’t wait. Lately wehn I have burgers no bread.
@katep I am taking care in the heat. Oh good!
@lyricalheart I am glad to hear it.
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Glad that you’ll be sticking around.
@justamillennial Yepp..
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Glad to see you are staying
@thespiritwithinme Mmhmm
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I love OD better than Prosebox, I’ve been on this site for a while! 🙂
@theelectlady Eh.. 🙂
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