Turkey time? Mass gonzo shopping? Yupp!

Hey y’all,
I guess that it’s just about Turkey time in the States non? Well, have at it, don’t be stupid, if you are sick and you suspect COVID, stay home and party with your own cool self… get better and all that… but if you are feeling A-ok, then super! Just don’t eat til you puke. That is definitely not cool. And on Black Friday, don’t kill yourself or break the internets by shopping til you either drop or your computer does trying to get the best deals. 😛 Holy banana! Up here we have Black Friday too…. methinks…
Do enjoy yourself. I love y’all.
The only thing I dislike about our wonderful Thanksgiving feast is how quickly it’s over. I work for days ahead of time on all aspects of the meal — as well as the decorations, centerpieces, linens, silver, etc. — but it’s all done in less than an hour!
@darkmadonna And then it’s Christmas, I know eh?
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