
Backbone hurts me a lot.
Geography… Terrible test;/ Hope will get 4!
Rehabilitation lot of pain…

It’s lot of pain!
I couldn’t woke up from bed in the morning.
But now I need only bed.
It’s 8:30pm, but I want to go to bed! OMG!

My friends don’t accept me ;/
But He is my rescuer 🙂

I need my best friend (Bernadetta)!
But she is in another school -.-"
But I always have Maciek.
And it’s the best thing.

Hug me strong…

I need my bed!
Good Night!

Vote me! 🙂

Pic: in park
Music: whistle of my lungs again. Something is bad? O_O

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Nothing wrong with heading to bed early sometimes. It’s your body’s way of saying it needs a little extra than usual. Don’t fight it. Haha. Keep strong! Most of all – stay strong in front of those you thought were your friends. Show them that you are strong with OR without them. You’re doing GREAT! Keep at it! Lastly … *HUGS!* 🙂

November 15, 2010

You’re very pretty! 😀 Stay strong! 🙂

You are so adorable!