Now.. what to title this entry?

Should it be, “Getting antsy… bc my internet bill is due soon?” or maybe “Sam’s a little loopy today”? Or both or neither??? I have Gene Autry in my head. You know that Jingle Jangle thing that apparently is on a video game??

Yeah. I am that “” years old that I associate that song with Gene and the game. Ha!!!

I was thinking about how it will be like turning 50 in two summers. (I’m a July baby) It’s kind of good but kind of scary bc I am going have to get yearly mammograms and I’ve heard horror stories about these procedures… so…. but I don’t really listen to it all — like hearsay?

Anyways… I need to order some stuff on Amazon tonight, like Lisa and her earphones, she’s paying me $20 dollars for a pair… and I def need pillows, and hopefully some yummies for my two sisters for a (late?) Easter gift.

I am in severe need of funds… and I was right, Dave is off the grid til next week until Pesach is over. But I can wait for awhile… I just get overly anxious about the bills, y’know?? Oh! Speaking of, Chag Pesach Same’ach dear Peace @ncumisa!!

Anyways, I will have a new legacy as I’m borrowing my sister’s computer… up on my simming journal at GNJ here. And I still need to write in my DW. I keep ignoring it for some godless reason… spreading myself too thin I reckon? LOL


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April 6, 2023

I meant to write on your last entry that the Beach Boys were enjoying a revival when I was in high school in the early ’70s, and I fell in love with their music. Especially “Barbara Ann,” my mother’s name, which I loved to sing the harmonies to.

I am in awe of how much tech you own and keep up with. Now that you’ve written this, I’m in awe of how many journalis you keep!

April 6, 2023

@darkmadonna I know eh?? Barbara Ann is good … my friend Barbie hates it though lol..

April 6, 2023

Mammograms are uncomfortable but not necessarily painful.  I had my first one last summer and had a sunburn so it was definitely uncomfortable!  Now if I could just make myself get that colonoscopy :-O

April 6, 2023

@happyathome OMG. I had a colonoscopy about 8 years ago, and I thought that I was going to die. The prep is the worst. The procedure itself is nothing. Just thinking of drinking that godawful Peglite? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo…!!!!