The Winds are Blowing… and L.W.W. can go… well…

Oh my hell, I just woke up to go pee, and I caught L.W.W. smoking right outside the residents’ door. Like she will fucking set off the alarms if she doesn’t watch it!! Stupid git. πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’

Sometimes the stuff people do around here is enough to land you in the psych ward at Southlake…. and, now I can’t sleep and it is 3a. [insert 3am by Matchbox 20 here]

Seriously?? And my bed needs fixing. So, no comforting massage…

Oh well.. I’ve done an all nighter b4, I paid for it sure, but I did it. And plus, I like the night…

The snow she is a-flyin’. πŸ™„ I’m like Jeffy, I have had enough of the white stuff to last me a lifetime or so…



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March 4, 2023

I was up most of the night last night too. Β I just haven’t been sleeping much at all.

@happyathome I hope to God that we both get some sleep!

March 4, 2023

I hope you’re able to get some more sleep. It’s never fun being tired all day

@heffay IKR? πŸ™