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Amazing how she, Anne Frank, could still believe that when she endured so much hardship. Gives me hope for a better future.

ever read her diary?? I must admit (and I hang my head in shame)…I never have. Not even been to the Anne Frank house here in Amsterdam…maybe I should go there one day but I have been saying this for a long time. Please look after yourself my friend……*hugs*

Yes, a small child with a huge and loving heart. She puts some of us to shame with that selfless love. A good point you make here. You’re quiet today…just a signature from you…..are you ok?…B

loss for words so I am sending love and {{{hugs}}}

September 14, 2001

*hugs you tight*

Excellent and so good, may i use it on my entry too?

~nodding in agreement~

just checking to see that you’re still here…. **HUGS**

Hope you are ok my friend….and as they say…out of the mouths of babes…I wish I had such faith left after witnessing such horror this week *Hugs & Love & Tears*

If we give up believing this… we give up hope.

March 4, 2003

I have started, tonight, to learn about you from the beginning of your diary. It will take some time to read all these entries. I wanted to let you know what I was up to…and to let you know, this is one of my favorite quotes too.

September 1, 2003

stunning. Much respect.