I just don’t know

I don’t; I really don’t.

I am bewitched, bothered and bewildered.

I am stronger than I ever have been; happier than I ever thought I could be; frightened as a brand new fawn.

Such new hope springing in my heart and in my soul. Such life flowing out of me to the world around me. (The world around me needs it.)

Night falls fast at this time of year. You look outside and all of a sudden it is dark. And in the between times (when everyone is in our own little separate spheres) a sweet silent solemnity comes over me as I sit and think and breathe and lose the knot at the top of my spine left over from the day’s work.

And I realize that I just don’t know what tomorrow holds. I cannot and will never know. I can make plans; I can want; I can dream. I can love and befriend and grumble and (occasionally) pout. But there is just so much I just don’t know.

And my body sighs.

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What a kind wish you left for me and what a lovely entry you’ve left for us all to read. A kind of serenity that I have known, yes, I have and I will again. Remembering that is like finding that light you wished for me. Thank you.

no one knows what tomorrow will bring. we all have choices in life. sometimes hard ones. go with the flow. enjoy life or it will pass you by.

Who knows what that little old lady…lady luck has in store for us my lovely..who knows…She does…but, she’s not telling!! Hugs and love …it was good to hear your voice today. Bren

^^^^^^^^^^^ Tis Moi (Bren) I forgot I was working on cats diary Hehehe