Theme of the Week entry

Happy Fifth Birthday to The Open Diary.

My own experience here began July 19, 2001. I had been going through some rather significant internal changes, and a friend of mine had begun a diary a little bit before that, having been told about the place by a friend of hers. I thought wow, I like the idea of this; a place where I can write about what is going on in my life, and maybe see what other people are doing in their lives.

Well, friendships and other relationships grew out of that. I found myself writing! I found myself whittering! I found myself paying to be here because the popups were doing my head in! I found myself frustrated as, for a period of time, I felt technically abandoned. (I am not technically oriented, so feeling technically abandoned was alarming to say the least.)

I joined a support group, ODAnonymous! Oh yes I did! Because this place, and the interactions in it, had become a significant part of my life, and earlier this year I feared for its continued well being! I started a diary somewhere else, first as a backup for this one and then … well, I whitter a LOT so I would post things there in the hopes of not overloading this diary. I’ve deleted that diary; I’m still here though. The philosophy and atmosphere of this place are more suited to me. And were OD to cease to exist, honestly I think I would just as soon stop having a presence online. After all, there is so much to be done away from a computer! I like sharing that with others, and being allowed to share their experiences as well. This has, 95% of the time, seemed a fine place to do that.

At times I have felt unsafe here. The past week has been one of becoming aware of just how vulnerable a person is if she or he has any sort of online presence. I had for a time become complacent, because in this community and others, there tend to be far more good people than bad; but oh, when the bad ones strike, ouch!!! There have been times here when someone who doesn’t know me has left me mean notes; there have been times when someone who does know me has left mean notes. Overall, though, I have been really happy with the kind of support and true sense of community I have found here. I cherish the fact that we can learn about people from all walks of life, in a wide variety of circumstances and places. I am edified and educated; enlightened and even on occasion emboldened. I have met some very important people through having this diary in this place; people who have changed my life. I have traveled; I have grown.

Oh; and July 19 turned out to be a very important date. Every year I have a dual celebration: Me Explorer’s anniversary and Folláin’s birthday! If that’s not fate, what is?

Love, light and hugs (oh yeah, I’m a hugger) to all. And Happy Monday!

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I’m glad you’re here. 😀

ryn: I know, I got your note over there – Sailing to Ganymede (a good friend of mine IRL from Seattle who used to write here as TallBlueSis) also left because of Wire’s viewpoints.

i love you dear dear friend 🙂 *hugs* and i am so glad you are here

Yes, so glad you are here. I read the DM’s 5th Anniversary entry. It really was inspirational. So many good things that have come from this place. A few bumps in the road, but mostly good. 🙂

October 27, 2003

*smiles* this place has its ups and downs but overall.. it’s pretty darn nifty. the presence of wonderful people and whitterers such as yourself make it even more amazing… thanks. hugs,

Glad to see you still writing and am happy you have invited me to still read you..:) These places can be such a mix of emotions and events it’s hard to say somethings if we love these places or hate…But I must say because of the amount of wonderful, sincere folk I have met, like yourself, I for sure love these places..:) Thanks for sharing and always being so sweet.:) Cheers Kim

Very nice *smiles* I’m so glad that you’re here. The OD is special. Rude notes never go down tolerably well with me either and I delete. Thankfully, that doesn’t happen often. On a more happy tune, congratulations. Your diary is always worth reading. A big thank you for those superb poems that keep coming. A warm hug.

I am with you on the “if this place were to disappear”..thingie.

Here I am! Will be following you, and thanks so much for this access… I’m happy to be here. Love the new privacy features here, too. And no “Mr. God” running the site, thank heavens. 🙂

I had you pegged for a hugger! 🙂

October 27, 2003

Me too, I am glad you are here. Luckily I’ve never gotten a mean note (or was too xist Dense to realize it). Happy belated anniversary!

October 27, 2003


I’m very glad you’re here too! Hugs,

Do I take it you deleted Seeker at ITW? How come?

October 27, 2003

have you always had the same name? I’ve had a few names: Harvester of Souls(which netted me several nasty notes, proclaiming me to be the devil reincarnate!)Hell Factor, Shadow Man(the forerunner of):Shadow Daemon(my OD+ diary) and Eddy Styx. I doubt I will ever come back to OD+ as there isn’t much difference between it and FOD. oh yes, I still get nasty notes, but now they don’t upset me,

October 27, 2003

RYN: I was so bored yesterday that I laughingly entered a poetry contest on FOD, before I realized it was mostly teens. I found it very humorous to see the low marks my poem received, lol!

yay!! 🙂 Oh C signed me up for a diary so I can note you both ::hugs::

(((((((Me Explorer))))))) Great big hugs and smiles in celebration : ) So glad you are here! Wonderful entry! Love,

October 27, 2003

I am very glad to have the chance to meet you in some form. *hugs* I enjoy your witters *smiles*

October 27, 2003

Gotta love a hugger!!!! And how glad I am that I found your diary.

Terrific entry. Your loving presence and writings (whitterings?) are one of the main reasons I returned to Open Diary after a long absence. Although reluctant to begin journaling again, I did miss your caring compassionate spirit enough to part with subsciption money normally allocated for food. So, indirectly you’ve inspired me to write and feel more alive again. Warm hugs. – David

October 27, 2003

I’m glad to have found you here.

October 28, 2003

Hugs to you, ME! (I am not usually a hugger online but if we were to meet in real life, I would definitely give you one.

October 28, 2003

Delightful. Much respect.

October 28, 2003

Your presence here makes me happy. Here’s a big hug from one self-professed hugger to another;((((((Me Explorer))))))

October 28, 2003

…a happy monday indeed *laughs*

October 28, 2003

without you, my corner of OD is incomplete. i’m glad you are a part of my world. much love and many hugs,

October 28, 2003

I am so glad that you are here!! And I feel very similarly to you… it’s really a blessing to have OD! 🙂

Ive decided to post the entries you cannot read on ITW in this diary. I am getting a bit tense on ITW too and am writing some ‘friends only’ entries that’s why. ::hugs::

October 28, 2003

I agree wholeheartedly. I have been here since 4-25-99. I haven’t written as often as you though, due to much moving. I too have met some terrific people as a result of this awesome community & site. Bravo OD & community.

October 28, 2003

Backatya sweety!

Great entry!

I’m so glad that I met you here on OD. There was a time that I thought I would quit OD in favor of the other site. But now, I’m so grateful for the more laid back & supportive atmosphere of OD. Big hugs!

October 29, 2003

I don’t think many of us could be content here in OD without you and your beautiful whitters that say so much about the goodness in you. I am full of warm hugs this morning and am dumping at least 2 of them on your shoulders…

October 29, 2003

🙂 🙂

October 30, 2003

I’ve had a stalker and a few nasties drop in. It’s unpleasant. With a smile…

i’m so glad you shared your open diary experience. 🙂 the good and the bad. because both do exist. i am so happy i met you me explorer. *hugs*

November 2, 2003

Well told!