
Or perhaps Head-a-Whirl. I wish it was for some exciting or romantic or more interesting reason, but it’s just because:

I just finished copy editing five (5) articles in one day!

I did nothing but glom onto my work laptop and read the screen. For several hours. My eyes are spinning at this point, but the luxury of my desktop monitor screen is so much easier on my eyes than the confined one on that machine that they’re going slower and slower.

I’ve taken Tylenol. And I am sighing. I think this is my all-time record. I know this isn’t a particularly inward-looking or profound entry, but I needed to just tap out this mixture of exhilaration and exhaustion somewhere, and I am still getting used to having Open Diary available again, so I needed to do it here.

I hope my friends across the pond are not having too rough a time of it as there is a big snow storm hitting them. The weather is not being kind.

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February 28, 2018

Uhhh…. you’re across the pond? Indeed, we are expecting more bad weather. More the rain which brings flooding. We had really bad floods last year!!

RYN too.

I know this isn’t a particularly inward-looking or profound entry, but I needed to just tap out this mixture of exhilaration and exhaustion somewhere, and I am still getting used to having Open Diary available again, so I needed to do it here.

There’s a thought. Why didn’t I think of that? Nothing written is mundane, is it? Mini creations, I think. I will do that, MeExplorer.

Create mini visions of what’s dancing around me.

Hope you are well, my friend, as I am now “seeing” a better perspective that has been right in front of me the entire time. Writing is and has always been, a soothing balm for me. Even if current posts are from “back in the day”.

February 28, 2018

@whimsicalscadence I’m on the New York side of the pond. I read that there was a fierce snow storm headed toward Ireland and its neighbors. The Irish already named it (before it hit) “The Beast from the East” (it was coming from Russia). So are you affected by The Beast from the East? It’s been raining here very much lately, and in fact on Friday there’s supposed to be a horrible rain storm all day and night. So by Friday I need to decide: Really huge luxurious monitor at the office or back to bringing the laptop home? Anyway, “across the pond” does go in two directions, at least from where I’m sitting at the moment. And writing: I have gotten out of practice, and now I realize I have suffered from lack of it.

March 4, 2018

Hi I have just connected finally with OD.  So now I am trying to find old friends and acquaintances.  I remember your name from the old days. I hope you are more revived now than when you wrote your entry. Be kind to yourself, making sure you get lots of rest of the weekend.

March 5, 2018

@leonalia I am so glad you finally got things sorted! I remember your name well, and am glad to see you here.