Yes, seven more hours

I am hungry. E did manage to get some pie at the Farmer’s Market yesterday before he started feeling poorly. I must get some of it to fuel this night’s endeavors.

I wish that I could be
an angel
of hope or mercy or miracles
instead of a heavy footed woman
laden with debt and fallibility
but then
my angels come in human form
so I can pray to be given
loaned from heaven
some divine gift
though unworthy
if the reason is pure
maybe I can have
for a time
what it takes to help you through

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home stretch!

You’re doing great! Less than seven hours left. 14 more whitters, updates, links, or sleepy eyed hellos and you are there. XOXO K.

I have a feeling I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow. must walk, stretch, spin.

you have already been my angel.

July 30, 2006

you’ve been an angel to many C and loved by even more *smiles & hugs*

And Another One Folláin