STD free!!!




♥ I’m still in the hospital and likely will be for at least another day- but I DO have good news (and my computer).

When I first went to Emergency- the day before I was actually admitted, the doctor did a million swabs and took samples and sent them off to be tested. Those results never actually came back before they told me I had PID and started treating me for STD’s.  Today the doctor who’s been taking care of me (since you know, i don’t have one) told me all my results came back and they were NEGATIVE for ANY STD’s or STI’s. 

YES! I do NOT have any sexually transmitted diseases as previously thought. 

NO! This does NOT mean I’m going to go back to being carefree and slutty- not that I considered what I was doing to be that anyway. For the record- I was safe with all those guys. Although barebacking is popular, I insisted that they use condoms and I’m glad I did! I mean, are you kidding me?? 11 guys without condoms? NO THANKS.

So, you’re probably wondering what IS wrong with me then. As it turns out, it’s just an inflammation and bacterial infection of my cervix. Bacterial Vaginosis- and a lot of women have the same problem but it doesn’t cause complications like mine as frequently. It probably did have something to do with all the sex I had been having- but it’s basically  a pH imbalance that got a little too complicated. 

A change of antibiotics (and no longer treating for STD’s) and I should be able to get out of here soon.  I also made a connection with a nice doctor AND a gynecologist!

I’m relieved that it wasn’t as STD causing the problems, but regardless, it’s a reminder to keep taking those precautions. 

♥ Ed showed up at the hospital this morning. Yep. Didn’t even say he was coming. I had a particularly rough night last night, too, and was FINALLY sound asleep when he arrived. He woke me from a dead sleep and I about cried. I felt and looked like absolute shit – this is not an exaggeration either. Not only did he tell me I looked beautiful anyway, but when I VOMITED in front of him he didn’t run away. 

Yeah, I vomited. After he woke me up, I started feeling really nauseated from the Morphine they pumped me with and it hit me all of a sudden that I was going to be sick. I think he could sense it, cause he passed me a basin and I told him to look away quick! I barfed, put the basin on the floor, wiped my mouth and gave him the all clear. LOL. He reassured me that it wasn’t the first time (nor would it be the last) that he saw someone vomit and that I should be proud that we had that moment together cause now I could fart in front of him and not be embarrassed. Hahahaha. Men!

I was furious with him when I was going to bed last night actually. I hadn’t heard from him, but I knew he was actively flirting with some chicks on Fetlife boards while I was sitting in the hospital. He told me he’d text me in an hour at 9:00, but when I hadn’t heard anything by 11, I was even MORE furious. I never said anything, I just went to bed. Of course, when the man drives an hour out of his way for a half hour visit before work and sweet talks the hospital staff into letting him surprise visit me when it’s not even visiting hours- it’s hard to stay mad. Especially because he took a chance that my family might be around- which by the way, my aunt was (she works here and came to say hi). 

ok. I’m done writing for now, this was SUPPOSED to be a quick update to say STD free!





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Great news on all counts!

May 14, 2013

Great news! Nice that he came to see you 🙂

May 15, 2013

I’m glad you’re clear! What a relief, and it’s definitely a good reminder to keep being safe. It was nice of Ed to visit you and not mind seeing you at probably your worst. Glad you’re feeling better!