Suck on this. Speaking of…

Dear Diary;

I’m sick of talking about my family and all the crap going on with them.. for now, anyway.

I had a craving for a sucker the other day, so when mom and I were out I picked up a small bag of them. I’ve become addicted and now my tongue is raw. That’s what I get, I guess. What’s up with all the yellow ones in a single bag, too? Seriously.. variety people!

Speaking of addiction, there’s this bowling game on facebook that I haven’t been able to tear myself away from. I keep setting goals- like "I want to get the icon for breaking 100" and then I reach the goal and set another and another and another. It took me about 2 games to figure out how to get the clown icon. All gutterballs.

Speaking of clowns, I keep forgetting to get my licence renewed. I’d better do that this week. Maybe this time I’ll get a picture taken that doesn’t make me look like a fat, clown on crack.

Speaking of crack.. When the girls at the house awoled last weekend they had drug tests when they returned and I guess they got into some cocaine.

Speaking of work, I’m sooooo not looking forward to Friday. I need to find a new job.


I’m out of "speaking of"’s.

For now.


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July 15, 2008
July 15, 2008

*giggles* funny how you get on a roll like that hunh.

Ouch! I know that “rubbed my tongue raw from too many suckers” feeling. But they taste soooo good! =)

July 15, 2008