♥ The horror movie isn’t over, we’re just taking a commercial break.

I went to work tonight as usual. I checked my schedule as usual. I logged in and checked my email- as usual. Then suddenly it occurred to me that I haven’t received a new work email in a long time. Too long, actually. I wondered if maybe my supervisors had been sending emails to my OLD account. You know, the one with my name spelled wrong that THEY changed several months ago. The one they said they were going to close once I logged into my new email. 

Fuck sakes. Wouldn’t you know that they didn’t close the old email and that’s where all my email has been going. Yep. MONTHS worth of emails that I missed. Turns out I was supposed to train a new staff… a month ago. Also, I was supposed to see a client early… 2 months ago. Oh, and the important information on the new client I’ve been seeing for a couple of weeks now? Yeah, that’s in an email there too. And apparently I was supposed to get an identification badge a few months ago too. 

Now, you would THINK that when I wasn’t responding to emails or communicating with my supervisors, they would call me and question it. NOPE. I have NO IDEA who ended up training the new staff, cause I sure as hell didn’t! I didn’t know I was even supposed to! I am FURIOUS about this. How hard is it to get your employee’s name right?? How hard is it to close an old email and change the name in your address book?? ESPECIALLY when I’ve been sending THEM emails from my new account – which ISN’T new because they made the change in the first couple of weeks I started working there. OMG… I’m not even joking- my supervisors are fucking moronic. 

If I get blamed for not checking my email, SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN. This is SO NOT my error- and yet I likely look like such a bad employee who can’t communicate. Fuck. Fucking fuckers. Seriously. Can you sense how MAD I am over this?

The thing is, I sent them ALL an email to inform them of what’s happened and I have a feeling nothing will change.





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June 4, 2013

At least you were able to find out the issue, and when you found out you addressed it immediately. There’s nothing they can hold against you because they are the fucktards.

June 7, 2013

Perhaps sending it to your IT department and cc:ing your supervisior. When I got married and changed my name I received a new email address but all the emails that went to the old one was automatically forwarded. Sounds like an issue with help desk not your supervisors. My 10 cents worth 🙂 Regardless, fucking stupid!