An Orphan’s Tale

I was so blessed to have my parents as long as I did considering their health issues. Mom passed away on 05/13/03 after battling kidney failure for 30 years and having been on dialysis for 10 years. I just lost dad on 02/21/18. He had a horrible last three months so I am glad that he is finally free of his beat-up body. I mentioned to my older sister who’s in her early 40’s that we were officially orphans and she chuckled saying, “We’re not children anymore.” I don’t care if we are adults. We were their babies regardless of age and we are parent-less now. I am struggling with this new adjustment because I have been spoiled rotten my entire life by both of them and especially my dad. The fact I lost my dad was devastating because he is my best friend but on top of that, now I am worried about actually being able to adult properly without his financial safety net.


They were both amazing parents. I know that I was blessed in the department of loving parents who lived their lives to love and support my sister and I. It makes it hurt all the more because they are/will be so greatly missed.

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May 10, 2018

(hugs) so sorry for your great loss