better day

the last time i wrote i was having a bipolar moment, and was incredibly mad over something stupid, but everything is cool now. I do still hate the little slut that tried to hit on my boyfriend, but part of the reason i was so upset is that i love him so much, and if he did cheat on me it would kill me, i could’t lose him like that, but all is well now. He had been acting weird for the last few weeks and therefore, because i always think that everything thing is bad and that its my fault, i thought he was unhappy with me. so yestersay we went out after classes and he told told me that he had planned to take his tax refund and purchase something for me, before his care broke down, and now he has to pay for that…but he told me that he was going to buy me a ring, and that he wanted to marry me!!!!!!!! I felt so incredibly happy relieved…i don’t even know. He was so upset with hisself for not being able to do it yet and that he let the plan slip out to me, but words cannot describe how much it meant to me. He is the only thing that keeps me going, every little glimmer of happiness in me is because of him. He saved me from myself, more than once, and I can’t possib;y imagine being without im now or ever….i’m cryingright now, i love him so much

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