
I love my boyfriend so much….i dont think that ive ever really loved anyone like this before. and i’m not just saying that like some little girl with a crush, its just so different with him. in the beginning we had this crazy attraction and had so much fun together, but i always kinda thought it would turn out to be a fling. But then we he started to see all the fucked up things about me he didn’t run away. he helped me through them….he got me to start eating again, even though i still want to continue loosing weight he keeps me from being crazy over it, and makes me feel beautiful. he got me to stop freaking out over everything, and cutting, and having panic attacks all the time. he helped me realize that even when bad things happen, which they do to me a lot, that life will go on and it will be okay. I’m just so grateful to him, because seriously if he hadn’t come along when he did i don’t know what wouldve happened to me. i was absolutely insane before we got together….cutting, not eating, throwing up if i did, panicking over everything, drinking everyday, doing drugs…..he saved me….and i love him

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November 15, 2007

Sounds like a keeper to me! =D Glad you found someone to make you happy. ^_^