November’s Mission 22

Happy November!  It’s a crisp cold morning, drinking my hot coffee, and just started on my first day of 22 pushups a day for the entire month of November to spread the awareness of Veteran Suicide.  Every 22 seconds a Veteran is losing their lives to suicide.  I’m a huge Veteran supporter due to a few reasons.  #1.  My Great Grandfather was in WWI #2.  My Grandfather and Grandmother was in WWII, & #3.  A lot of my friends are deployed to Afghanistan for the war against terrorism.  

Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255


There is a Program out there just for the Veterans called Mission 22.    

Not only just Veterans, its out there for everybody!  I’ve known way too many people that has lost their lives to suicide.  It’s painful, it hurts, and you are wondering why they are mentally challenged to the point they want to hurt themselves?  

I am a proud supporter, and I am a proud of the Country I live in.


Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255

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