Weeee! and a “wtf?”

I ended up calling the office myself yesterday to check on my lab results. I was in a panic, slightly. lol They told me the results were back but they were on my OB’s desk and he hadn’t had a chance to look at them yet. She told me it would probably be tomorrow (today now) before someone called.

I almost cried. I told her that I had to work tomorrow afternoon (today, I have a weird schedule) and was afraid if I missed the call I’d have to wait until Monday to find out.

They ended up calling me shortly after they closed for the day. The nurse said my levels looked really good, they went up well. I thought about asking what they were but then decided against it…I’d just spend the weekend until Tuesday stressing over “What’s that mean…am I X far along?” among other things.

I have an idea of when I conceived, but I can’t bet on it yet. And that’s not just hindsight, I had that gut feeling I’d ovulated when it happened. I’d spotted for part of a day, and instead of thinking “Oh another af” (I’d had one last a MONTH starting in late Oct) the thought was “I think I’m ovulating…” Very strange indeed, but then, that’s usually how it works with me. If anyone had read my years-ago entries, even though my intuition is usually right, I don’t usually listen when it comes to these things lol

Same thing with testing. Just like with the others. I just felt the urge. Dave asked me why this was any different from any other time I test, so I had to explain to him. I never had the feeling to test any other time, I did it because I’m slightly neurotic and we’d tried for so long. ROFL

But anywho. On progesterone supps, I didn’t ask what the prog. level was either because I’m afraid I KNOW I’d stress over that. It doesn’t surprise me though, my body doesn’t know what to do with progesterone anymore, considering I haven’t ovulated in years at least. To ovulate on my own, that’s a small (large?) miracle.

So you can understand my hesitation in believing the positive tests at first…you mean to tell me I ovulated AND conceived? Yeah. Which leads to obsessive testing. ROFL My lines are as dark as the control line right away now so I think I’m good. haha.

I’m still afraid to tell anyone…not that I don’t want to tell, but more like I am still worried about miscarriage – and most of my friends never had trouble conceiving so I dread the comments like “You’ll be able to have another one” or even “God has his reasons.” Ok I know this. I’m actually at PEACE with that. But I don’t want to hear it from people.

That and the only thing I’m sure of is that I’m due in September. SOMETIME. lol Early to mid. Most likely mid. Somewhere around the 10th if I’m right.

I also don’t want to tell folks around here because we’re in tiny Gossip Town. I don’t want folks at work to know, mainly because I don’t want the inmates to know. I can’t hide it forever but early on, they don’t need to know. Of course, Dave had to go in and tell his Lt. he needed to go with me to my appointment the other day and felt the need to go back and tell him it was an OB appointment…with someone else in the room.

So I’m sure they suspect. I believe what she asked was, “Is your wife pregnant?” He told her maybe ROFL that we needed to confirm it. So I’m sure they’re just waiting for him to “confirm” before anyone approaches me. But still.

Annnnd I’m just babbling now. This really snuck up on us, my RE and I had decided that I was going to lose some more weight (20 lbs she said, I wanted 30) before we tried. I lost 25 and…TADA!

Anywho. Apparently Ireland had an IEP meeting this coming Tuesday in the morning…they said they sent the letter home the beginning of February.

*sigh* Yeah I don’t get ANYTHING from these kids. Well, Aurora, but Joe and Ireland – not usually lol. (Just got the phone call.)

Bah. That’s another entry though. I’m not even sure what the IEP meeting is about…as far as I knew the only thing that was being done was she was being tested for Excel classes. But apparently she’s seeing the counselor like Joe did. Which is fine but they should have TALKED to me first. We’d discussed her being in therapy and suspecting she might also have Asperger’s, or another form of autism, but seriously they’re starting to irritate me. With both kids. They’re not keeping in touch anymore like they used to do.

I think I’m going to have to put my foot in someone’s butt real soon…

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January 7, 2011

Congrats! I hope the peanut sticks 🙂

January 7, 2011

Haha I loved Bitter Angel’s comment. ; ) Hope it’s a safe pregnancy!

January 8, 2011


January 8, 2011

Congrats!! I’m so excited for yo! September babies are great! My birthday is September 4th and Joash is on the 3rd. Joash was born on labor day! LOL Praying you have a very healthy 9 months! 🙂

January 10, 2011

I am so happy for you! I know you’ve been tryin for soo long!! Congrats