אני קושית יפה/I’m a Cute Black Girl Pg 20

After all this talk about learning to cook Traditional Jewish Meals, I decided that I would give it a go…well didn’t quite make a meal but I baked my first Challah.

Celosia Golden

Something must have gone helluva wrong, because I spent most of the time washing sticky dough off my hands. Right now as I write this I have dough pretty much on every surface in my kitchen.

I am not going to lie and say it wasn’t fun…but I think I will stick to rushing to the shop to purchase my Challah, every Friday morning before work or afternoon after work and getting home just in time to light the shabbat candles.

I was quite chuffed for myself when I got to this point….

So the next steps was breaking up the Ball of Dough into 3 balls and rolling each ball into a rope…yeah that didn’t go so well. I had dough sticking on everything….my hands, the chopping board I was using to roll the dough…and on the counter…and my top…

Finally I got 3 kinda even ropes.

So,  now I am supposed to plait the ropes…yeah that wasn’t gonna happen. So this was my end result….

Just some blob of dough…

And now for the finishing act…into the oven it goes for 30 to 35 minutes…

While I waited for it to bake and be the Great Challah I had envisioned it would be a few hours ago….I decided that tomorrow I was going to rush to the shops and just buy a Challah….I mean come on…look at what came out of the oven in the end….

Well it has the hollow sound…

It is cooked in the inside…

It is Golden…

But I cannot bring in Shabbat with that…

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March 11, 2022

🙂 That’s a great challah. I’m coming over love! 😛

March 12, 2022

Thanks, but it is terrible. My husband likes it, but he seems to like everything that I cook and that is edible. Please don’t waste a trip for that!

March 12, 2022

Yummmm, it looks good to me!!

March 12, 2022

Hee hee. It wasn’t good!! But Thanks!