Behind The Smile…

….you never know what is really behind that smile.

I got an email from Hillsong telling me that someone that I really looked up to and once made me feel that Christianity and The Church was my home. Whenever he got up to speak in front of 1000’s of people he could make you feel as if he was just talking to you and as if you really knew him and what he used to say really made sense.

I am not Christian…I feel like I am now walking my true path and following and becoming something that I was always mean to be, but when I saw that email, something made me open it up and actually read it. Well I may not have read it all….but I got the gist of it.

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At first I figured that he had had enough and was ready to just focus on himself and live is own life and let the people he was leading continue what he began 2 decades ago.

So I told my husband and immediately he jumped to the conclusion that there was carly cursive … WHAT? What could the Great Pastor of Hillsong have done?

So I googled it and boy were there many sites out there that explained what has been going on.

After reading a few of the News Reports I realized that no one is perfect.

Cedarville Pnkfun1 Cursive there is often a much deeper and darker story. It is sad how a great man like Pastor Brian Houston will go down with this terrible story… ALCOHOL! SLEEPING PILLS! HARRASSMENT!

See the source image

I would like to believe that even though what he did is wrong, but he has issues that he needs to deal with, and I pray he gets all the help he needs.

I know from my story…it is never that simple. Yes he has hurt many people and I do feel for them, but I really do hope that he gets the help he may need and he gets the chance to right his wrongs. I hope I never forget the warmth I felt when I sat in his sermons and listened to the lessons he had to teach.

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March 23, 2022

I am very good at putting on a smile when I don’t feel like smiling.  I can turn it on when I need to.

March 23, 2022


I am an open book!!

March 23, 2022

Smiles mask a lot of things – from hurts to sins. It’s true, you just never know.