What is Wrong with Me?

There have been times this year when I have felt on the right path and been motivated to get in shape and be happy.  But every now and then…okay often…I just let myself get sucked down into this whole and I find it so hard to climb out.

I had such plans for November…

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Have yet to go! I really want to go and I set my alarm to wake up in time to go and get home, shower and get to work…but I will reset my alarm to go off an hour later and often I will just lye in bed and read my kindle.

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I am drinking a gassy drink or two every day and still gobbling down a slab and more of chocolate.

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Antidepressants…but never really taken them every day like I should.

My supplements for all the nutrients I now lack.

I hate taken meds.

Night Pumpkind

Not happy with myself! Not happy with my marriage!

I just wish something would change in my life and change for the better. I feel like I am stuck in a rut and nothing is happening.


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