A survey before dying….ok, I’m not dying

 1. Most comforting place, smell, sound and memory?

Any time with my family. I am particularly fond of baby smells, but I love the perfumed lotions old women used to wear, too.
Sound – my Nanny’s wind chime and any music boxes, though they make me cry
Memory – tons of them!
2. Your ambitions as a child and your ambitions now
When I was little, I dreamed first of being a world-famous actor, then a teacher, then a singer. Now, I just want to set the best example I can for my children and grandchildren.
3. Biggest fear(s)
I don’t discuss my biggest fears, because then somebody will exploit the hell out of them and make sure I HAVE to face them. I’m sorry for the lack of faith in people, but experience has taught me some bad lessons, too.
4. Qualities you would like in a partner (if you would like one)
I’d like it if my wife understood the dynamics of my side of the family, but it really seems she doesn’t.
5. Traits you couldn’t put up with in a partner (if you would like one)
Apparently, I can put up with a lot.
6. What is the worst thing you have done to another person? (Let them down, lied, faked love etc)
I won’t say. It was bad.
7. What are your worst traits and features?
Instability and seeming inconsistency.
8. What are your best traits and features?
I’m loyal and I present myself HONESTLY.
9. How would you explain your idea of ‘true love’?
I can’t really put it into words…
10. The biggest mistake you’ve made.
Failing to appreciate people who are not here anymore.
11. Are you rational or more emotional?
12. Do you think you’re very conscious of the feelings of others or more self oriented?
I don’t know. A horribly confusing combination of both, maybe.
13. Greatest achievement personally.
The awesomeness of having each of my girls tell me I am their REAL father. It’s an accomplishment because they wouldn’t WANT anyone who was a bad father, would they? (Not that I think I’m perfect, but I DO try really hard to be close. My babies deserve that.)
14. If you struggle to sleep at night, what do you do to try and soothe yourself to sleep?
15. What irritates you most about society?
Almost everything. The lack of compassion, loyalty, and common courtesy are perhaps the things that irritate me the most.
16. When you compliment someone, what do you tend to focus on? (Looks, intelligence, personality…)
Whatever no one else notices, usually. What would be important for someone to compliment ME on, I compliment others on, but only if I mean it.
17. Think of your oldest friend. If you met them now do you think you would still become friends?
I wonder about that. I don’t honestly know. We’re both so volcanic.
18. Something you love to do, but feel guilty about after/during?
Being happy
19. Would you like children in the future. If so why?
No, I am of the grandparent age, not the parent age.

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38 is grandparent age??? You’re going to make me hyperventilate. But hooray for doing the survey!