I’m So Freaking Excited!

So my uncle posted this video on Facebook, yesterday.

I watched it and loved it and then I watched the others on This guy’s channel.  His name is Adrian Grimes.  I found a link to his Facebook page.  So since I had already composed a poem about social distance in about 10 minutes for a challenge, I thought, hey… I could do this.

Well, I sent him my poem and an offer to collaborate.  He wrote back immediately and gave me an assignment.  I sent him my lyrics, this morning, and I just got his recording!!!

Oh! My! Gawd!!!!!

It’s really good!  I’ll give you a couple of clues.  It’s a song from a recent Disney movie.  It’s written from the perspective of a parent trapped at home with the kids!  

I’m just so excited.  I’ll post a link when he publishes it.  It’ll have my name on it!  Yay!

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April 28, 2020


April 28, 2020

Wheeee! How wonderful!

May 11, 2020

This sounds awesome :).