Turning corners into dead ends

This fortress of books and rooms
surrounding me
forms a rather simple maze
For me to lose myself in,
if I so desire.
I cannot begin to process
all that is stuffed
into every available niche and corner.

It is my known universe.
My cluttered and 
difficult to negotiate
Or so I think.

I walk from room to room,
picking up one thing here,
another there:
a book, a magazine,
a bag of chips,
a glass of juice.

I am no sooner settled in one place
than I must be up again
and back to where I just came from
moments earlier.
Round and round.
All the while,
Unless I introduce music
at an opportune time.

The central AC cuts off.
A breeze rustles the wind chimes.
My thoughts are stranded
in empty space.
I don’t seem to want
to pull together the loose ends.
To make sense of anything.

Isn’t that what I try to do
anytime I pick up something to read,
or download yet another article
on the Internet,
or wander the byways of cyberspace
turning corners into dead ends?

This rather well describes how I feel this afternoon, 20 years after I wrote this poem. I also haven’t been feeling well since last night. These things will pass.

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May 23, 2022

This is good..so, so good!!  These are the parts I especially liked…

1. All the while, silence.  Unless I introduce music at an opportune time.

2. The central air cuts off.  The wind rustles great chimes.  (I like this part because it reminds me of what I was thinking about just today…how the sounds of my house are so familiar to me and such a part of my life, of my home.  The sounds of the central air, the way our washing machine squeaks at certain times, the unique sounds our dishwasher makes, Winston’s nails as he runs through the house, the shows that Landon watches over and over…it’s all so familiar to me and such a part of my life.)

3. The whole last paragraph…it’s just so good.

Thanks for sharing this.  I love it!!!

May 24, 2022

@happyathome You got it!  All those familiar sounds and routines, day after day for years creates a sense of continuity, permanence and comfortable predictability. We need that to keep our sanity.