A Quick Entry

I got so far behind in my homework because I had a shift in priorities in my mind. I was concentrating on my hip, on the pain and what could be done about it. This morning as I packed up all of my makeup work, I am feeling another shift. You remember how excited I was last semester when I attended each class? Well, that had changed to a sort of gritting-teeth-to-get-through-it feeling. But this morning, I am feeling a shift back. I am looking forward to class again, just a tiny bit. I am not worrying excessively about what this MRI will show. I feel pretty confident that it will show no tumor and just a lot of degenerated-by-arthritis bones.

It is frighteningly cold this morning. The actual temperature is minus 7 and the "feels like" temperature is minus 29 degrees. I need to go out early enough to be sure my car will start…

Ok, this was just a quick recording of my thoughts for this morning.


photojojo! we find the best photo shiz anywhere

QUOTATIONS FOR THIS MONTH: "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Hamlet 2.2.255-256

“Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?” Jim Rohn (motivational speaker/philosopher)

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com

Ci vedo dopo…. see you later…


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I’m glad you are feeling this good shift, again.:)

March 6, 2007

Yay for positive shifts. ryn: hehehehe. I also call him “spoot” or “spooty” sometimes, but that goes both ways with us. hehehe.

March 6, 2007

I’m glad for your shift toward happier feelings again. I think it came because you really know, deep inside, that you’re gonna be ok! :o) !! Don’t blow away when you go out today! hugs, Weesprite

March 6, 2007
March 6, 2007

I am so happy that your confidence is returning. Outlook is 99% of our health, both emotional and physical, in my humble opinion. Have a wonderful day today!

March 6, 2007

it’s brutally cold here! but it is nice and clear and i like that. i’m glad your mood has improved.

March 6, 2007

boy! that’s sure cold. it’s not that cold here. it’s 13 degrees with lots of wind but i don’t know the windchill. i am glad you had a shift in thought patterns. will make learning easier. take care,

March 6, 2007

I’m glad you’re looking forward to class again. I thought we had it bad down here in Boston where the wind chill is -17°F. I don’t envy you, for once… I miss Vermont a lot, usually.

I’m sure you appreciate that “shift”…. it feels so good to feel good again. I like your attitude about the MRI too, and I’m sure you are right. We put so much anxiety into preparing for medical tests when really the tests are our friend, we’re so lucky to have them, so we can be diagnosed for what ails us, and get treatment! (Don’t get me wrong, I have to try to convince myself of that sometimestoo!) Brrrrrr that’s cold…. stay warm!

Great attitude about your hip. I always TRY to think positive about my health situation although it’s not always easy to do so. Glad you are feeling a shift towards the better in your Italian! Hugs, M

That cold sounds horrible. I was complaining about the early mornings temps being 26 degrees the other day……

March 6, 2007

that’s good. I felt a shift in my mood on Sunday too and it shows. So, I know what you mean. And that’s VERY COLD!

It’s a good sign that you’re starting to gte back into the swing of things.