Mostly All Done w/one picture</Bt

I have been reasonably well-disciplined about getting my homework done today. All that remains is to tidy it up and sort out what is due tomorrow and what is late work.

This morning I headed out to the complex where my doctor’s office is, to give blood for a cholesteral test. I had to stop by registration before going into the lab which is usually a minor inconvenience. But today thinking I had to do a pee-in-this-jar test, I had drunk a huge glass of water, and since this had to be a fasting blood test, I was also needing food. By the time I actually got to the lab, I was needing to pee! But when I mentioned the pee test, apparently it wasn’t on the print-out I had got from registration, However, the woman in the lab told me to do it anyway and they would call the doctor and see if he wanted it, So, I did—and he didn’t I don’t know how I got that into in my head. But I did give blood to the vampires–err, phlebotomists–in the lab.

I am listening to a cute cd called "Canzoni per bambini" which I just got today. It has such songs as "L’abc" which is, of course, the alphabet in Italian and ‘Buon Giorno" which starts with "buon giorno, buon giorno dice le sole al mondo. Good morning, good morning says the sun to the world!"

I had a small scare with this Mac Book laptop a few minures ago when I suddenly couldn’t connect to the Internet. Our network is called ‘fred" and suddenly the computer was telling me it couldn’t find fred! But I turned it off and walked away for a while and when I got back and turned it on again, there was the fred network right where it should be!

Well. it took me a while to sort it out, but here is the picture taken with the little camera that is part of this Mac Book. We were both laughing at how we looked. My hair looks as of I have run my hands through it one time too often! I still am having a problem finding my way around with the "browse" command so in the end, I dragged a copy of this picture to the desktop where I knew I could find it to upload it to Photobucket! There must be an easier way! Oh, well, I wanted to learn new things, right? That is why I bought this little Mac Book!


photojojo! we find the best photo shiz anywhere

QUOTATIONS FOR THIS MONTH: "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Hamlet 2.2.255-256

“Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can. Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice. You can choose to be all or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?” Jim Rohn (motivational speaker/philosopher)

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Ci vedo dopo…. see you later…

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March 5, 2007

i just LOVE that photo of you too! it’s gorgeous!

March 5, 2007

I think it’s a great picture, and your hair looks cute! When my hair was short I used to spend a lot of time trying to get it to look like that.

March 5, 2007

: ) *huggs* you two look GREAT together!!!!

March 5, 2007

Not finding Fred made me laugh, especially since my husband’s name is Fred. I love the picture of you too!

March 5, 2007

I love the photo! You both look so happy! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

March 5, 2007

You both look genuinely happy, it’s a great photo!

March 5, 2007

ryn: about catnip…. there’s a number of cats that aren’t affected by catnip. my daughter’s first cat, tiffany, couldn’t have cared any less about it. my two and her current cat all love the stuff. it’s fun to see how they are affected by it! take care,

March 5, 2007

you and fred are adorable!!!! take care,

March 5, 2007

That photo is so cute! The two of you make a great pair.

That’s a really lovely photo. 🙂

March 5, 2007

Loving the picture!

Great picture, you do look like you’re both laughing 🙂 I like your scarf.

March 5, 2007

You both look very happy!! I LOVE your Scarf!! <3 Annie-Rae

March 5, 2007

I love the photo! And I want a note as to why Fred has been MIA on here for so long.

March 5, 2007

LOL! That photo is so fun! Good that you are learning new things!

March 5, 2007

I simply adore that photo of you and Fred 🙂

Now that’s a happy couple if I’ve ever seen one 🙂

Oh I just adore that photo!!! RYN: I’m glad to have answered your questions!

Oh, my goodness, that is seriously the cutest picture ever. It made me grin bigger than I have all day long.

March 5, 2007

I love that picture!!!

That’s a cute picture! You both look so happy and like you are having a lot of fun. Your hair has that spiked look that is so popular.

March 5, 2007

Aww that is an AWESOME picture!!!

Love the pic!

Awww, what a great picture!! By the way, where has Fred been these days? I miss reading him! Hugs to you both, M

March 6, 2007

Wonderful picture!

March 6, 2007

RYN: You’ve been on my favorites forever, I’m just a horrible noter! 🙂

March 6, 2007

Love the photo. Yall both look like you are having fun. You are brave getting a Mac but once you learn it I am sure you will feel like you have accomplished something.

March 6, 2007

You guys are funny. My niece uses a Mac at college and has so much stuff on it. She is going for Graphic Designs so is really good at the picture taking with her computer. She was even showing the boys how to scrunch, squeeze, and widen the pictures to make them funny. It’s amazing what you can do with computers. I really need to take a class on them to learn more than reading emails and OD.

March 6, 2007

that is a wonderful picture. And you two look VERY happy!

March 12, 2007

That’s a great pic of the 2 of you – it takes good photos doesn’t it? And I think that ruffled hair look is all the fashion so you’re bang up to date!