
 I didn’t put the Christmas tree up this year and I am thinking that may be part of my "Christmas Bah Humbug" feelings. Yes, it would have been a lot of trouble to move the treadmill down some and clean out that corner but I think it might  have made me feel a bit better about Christmas. I was a bit down yesterday because I called and cancelled Fred’s Christmas present. It was going to be a chocolate cake {he loves chocolate ANYTHING} but what with two days of snow and our landlord being gone, I didn’t think I would be able to get up to the store to get it. We had morning-to-night snow yesterday but the landlord did come back and I heard him scraping snow off the deck this morning. I suppose I COULD reorder the cake today and possibly get out and pick it up tomorrow, but since I had to tell Fred about it, {because now he will get nothing from me} the surprise is gone. In fact I am feeling quite sad about Christmas altogether. I have assorted boxes waiting to open on Christmas morning, but y’know, right now I am thinking why bother. In fact, much to my surprise, I am feeling on the edge of tears and definitely "Bah! Humbug!" about Christmas.

This is silly because I am doing this to myself. So, total change of subject.

Things to do:

  • clean off two days of snow from the cars
  • walk on the treadmill
  • I might actually have what my aunt used to call "a cuppa tea and a good cry."                       


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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December 22, 2008

blake came over a couple of weeks ago and said he’d carry up the tree for me. if he hadn’t done that i wouldn’t have bothered. snowed all day yesterday here, too. such a mess. son in law says the roads are a mess. glad he’s home to take blake to school today and pick him up. i’ve got lots of snow to clear off my blazer. and i just cleaned it off on saturday. maybe number 3 on your list will make you feel better. take care,

put on some Christmas music and set up the tree somewhere or get yourself a smaller tree that you can set up without moving the treadmill.

I agree with Sophia. Could you make Fred a little chocolate something which would save you going outside and the surprise would be the same as he really isn’t expecting anything….even if he smells it cooking up on Xmas Eve, wouldn’t that still be lovely for him to eat it warm out of the oven? I so feel for you Patricia as I have been feeling very similar. I haven’t written a single christmas card and feel so awful about it (my job for later but they’ll never arrive on time). The ‘good cry’ on Friday without actually having the ‘cuppa’ seems to have got be back in sorts even if I’m still sleeping a hefty amount.

I’m in the same boat, Patricia. No cards, no tree, nothing Christmassy at all. Just don’t have the oomph this year. We are going to Meg’s house on Christmas day so we’ll see her tree. Last year I hauled the artificial tree up. The year before I didn’t. Just think, you won’t have all the work of un-decorating, later. I think I may bring up three fake poinsettia plants I have. Maybe. Just so you know, G and I aren’t exchanging gifts, either. I only ordered some dried fruit for him, but it didn’t get here. So, bah humbug on this front, also. Maybe you can nip over to the drugstore and buy a big box of delicious chocolates for Fred.

I’m feeling much the same this year. We did put our tree up but it has done nothing for my Christmas spirit.Ya know what’s weird is that I’m not really ” Bah Humbug ” about it, I’m just not in to it being here already. Hugs,M

Maybe you can nip over to the drugstore and buy a big box of delicious chocolates for Fred. I think that is what I may do for Gunther.

December 22, 2008

I feel like crying every Christmas, but I think you might have nailed the reasons for your blues. It’s always a disappointment when you have to cancel someone’s gift and you were SO looking forward to giving it to them. Maybe you can order one from a store that delivers?

December 22, 2008

I hope that your feelings of sadness lifts. This is my most favorite time of the year and although I get a little gloomy with remembering loved ones passed, I do love the magical feelings surrounding the holiday. I think the best surprise of all would be to go ahead and do something for Fred. If not the chocolate cake, something special that you know he’d enjoy and that would make his life a little more cheerful. I do hope things turn around for you. If I were there with you, I’d give you one of my patented loving hugs! (((Hugs)))

Awareness that you are feeling blue is half way to the resolution. Do you keep St. John’s Wort in the house? It would help lift your spirits. Fred is diabetic isn’t he? The chocolate won’t do him much good, but maybe you could bake him something you know he’d like – raisin bread or something, in the bread maker. Just the smell of the bread baking will help lift your mood, I think.

December 22, 2008

I bet you would still have time to order a cake….or make one, cuz even chocolate cake from a mix and icing from a can is pretty scrumptious! :o) !! (Gee, now I wish I had a chocolate cake mix!) I am sorry you’re feeling sad today. I felt inexplicably down a couple days ago, too…. it’s so nice when those “down” feelings finaly leave us! hugs, Weesprite

I can totally relate to your feelings. There seems to be a general malaise in the air this season what with the economy in such a mess and all. I’m forcing myself to the Y after I post this. I find that watching the 1930’s musicals with Fred and Ginger, and Berkley dancing ones do a lot to pick up my spirits when I’m blue. It sure helped the masses in the Depression…..

December 22, 2008

ryn: Thanks! I’m seriously considering doing a proof copy of all of my NaNo pieces, plus two other lengthy pieces I wrote in high school. It’d be nice to have them this way. I opened this and was so very excited.

December 22, 2008

Hugs. I’be been going back and forth between “ok” and “Bah Humbug” myself. No big deal here. Nothing special… Makes me miss the days when the kids were small and my house was full of magic and wonder and hyper Kinder. You could always make fudge…..lots of easy recipe’s for that…. Have your cuppa and your cry and feel bettter. Loves to you! ~M

December 23, 2008

I am usually “Bah Humbug” about Christmas. It is just not one of my favorite holidays…hasn’t been for a long time. ryn: I did a “One Quality I Admire” for each child. I really must go back and see if I even had one for Dayton.

Snow can make you feel trapped. The children put up our fake tree. I want to get one, next year, that has the lights on it already. It is a rough time of year because you are supposed to be with family. We will only have each other and then the girl has to go with her father. I think the thing that I am looking forward to the most is sitting down for a rest after Christmas dinner.

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, Patricia!!!

December 24, 2008

Emotions at Christmas can be a mixed bag. Hope you’re enjoying it more now.

December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from all of us, two and four-legged. ~hugs~

December 25, 2008

So sorry to read that you are sad at this time of year. I agree with your other noters. Next year get a small artificial tree that is easy to put up. Hope you are feeling better. Spending time with others would probably help too.