Visits from Relatives

Yesterday we had a really nice visit from some of Fred’s relatives and today it was some of mine!

Yesterday, one of Fred’s daughters, her husband E, their son, and son’s girlfriend stopped on their trip to visit E’s parents to spend an hour or two with us. E’s parents live in Vermont and so we were a short break in their travels and they did not have far to go once they left us!

Today we got a visit from the OD diarist Veronica Corningstone and her boyfriend T-Bone who just happens to be my younger son!  They were spending Christmas with her parents who live about a two-hour drive away from us. It was very nice to see them both and before they left, we took them up to the diner we go to often and we had brunch. It was lovely to see both sets of our "kids."

We had a quiet Christmas and I did really well  for Amazon gift cards! I had them on my wish list because they are a really good way to get Kindle books. When one buys Kindle books, the price comes off gift certificates first so the three books I have bought since then are just like free books for me since they were not paid with my credit card! Incidentally, both T-Bone and Veronica Corningstone showed a lot of interest in the Kindle, especially my son who has been an avid reader since he was about five.  I downloaded a book I was planning to buy to show them how it worked, and I have to say that even now after seven months of using it, I am still amazed to see that book come zipping through the ether and onto my Kindle in less than a minute after ordering it!  I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see him get an ebook because he seemed very pleased that such a small device could hold so many books!

Which reminds me that I also found a few really free books on various sites and downloaded them to my computer and then attached the Kindle to the computer via USB {the cord is included when one buys the Kindle} and dragged the books into the "documents" folder on the Kindle. What is interesting about this is that more and more of these sites are carrying the free books in mobi formatting which the Kindle reads easily. Of course, there is always Stanza which is a free program for Mac {and I think now for PCs too} which converts text into a format which Kindle can read. Of perhaps I should say which Kindle users can read! Actually, I think that Kindle will read books from but I prefer to read books myself. I had a friend who was very into talking books on cassette tapes in her car and she would pass them on to me. They were ok, but I prefer to read my books myself!

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and is keeping warm!


"There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way."

Christopher Darlington Morley (1890-1957)


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December 26, 2008

I’m so glad you and Fred had a lovely Christmas! :o) !!!! hugs, Weesprite

December 26, 2008

I keep hearing a lot about the Kindle — the broadcast of the New York Times Book Review had a discussion about them today. Expect to see a big boom in what is available for downloads soon. Glad to hear that you’re having a lovely holiday.

It is really nice that they stopped by. The Kindle sounds so cool. I’m sure that I would love it.

December 26, 2008

you may have mentioned, but I don’t remember, can you mark passages in the Kindle and bookmark them for reference, like when we go to reading circle and someone wants to reference a passage in the book?

So glad you got some nice holiday family time. I haven’t looked into getting books onto my Kindle from other sources besides Amazon. So far I don’t need to because I’m a bit overwhelmed with books loaded onto my Kindle which I won’t have time to get to for awhile!

So nice that you and Fred both got to see some family! That HAD to make Christmas better!!! HUgs,M

December 26, 2008

I am glad you’re still enjoying your “toy”. I prefer to read also. I find sometimes my mind wanders and I can NEVER find my spot in an audiobook.

December 27, 2008

i prefer to read books myself. there’s just something about seeing the words on the pages and reading them for yourself. sounds like you and fred had a very nice visit with your kids. take care,

December 27, 2008

Your Christmas sounds wonderful. I still haven’t bought myself the Kindle, but I am still wanting it. If my business does extremely well, that will be one of my first purchases! Have a wonderful weekend! (((Hugs)))

December 27, 2008

We had so much fun visiting you! Now we both want a Kindle 🙂 Thanks for the wonderful afternoon.

December 29, 2008

sorry to have distressed you so much but with no one else to talk to OD is the only way I can get everything off my chest. a good rant, a long bath and a few hours in bed seems to be the best cure for a bad day. its understandable that im a little extra hormonal at the minute as Im nearly at full term, worried about almost everything thats possible to be worried about and due to have surjery in

December 29, 2008

just over a week. the thought of having to lie there alone while they sergically remove the small person from within me while her father could be facing a year in jail only to have her possibly taken away forever is enough to make anyone miserable. i just tend to go over the top a lot when im unhappy lately, which is what seems to have gotten me into this situation in the first place. and ur right

December 29, 2008

that its the way I let him treat me and I shouldnt but if something makes you happy shouldn’t you stick to it? if Im happier being with him and being treated badly sometimes than I am being alone then why not just do it? he has a problem in his head and until it becomes dangerous ill be right there helping him cos even through all me problems hes helped me. he is changing but maybe its just not

December 29, 2008

happening fast enough. I guess I’ll just have to suffer a little more heartache to find out cos at the end of the day him without his anger is worth a little more pain on my part … i hope …