Evening Stuff

So far today, Fred has been showing that he is hungry which pleases me. I didn’t offer him anything today but waited for him to tell me what he wanted. This evening, he got up from a nap to the smell of freshly made gingerbread.  He ate one piece with a full glass of milk. Then he asked for a glass of icewater and some of the toffee crunch ice cream I got this afternoon. A few minutes ago he asked for a slice of toast. Now, none of this is especially nutritious but his appetite is stimulated and that that has to be good. I plan a small amount of spaghetti, some meatballs, tomato sauce and some cheese on it for tomorrow. {I have already told him that he has to start thinking of some protein tomorrow. Man cannot live on ice cream and gingerbread alone!LOL}

Our visiting nurse, Nikki, will be here tomorrow between one and two I think she told Fred when she talked to him on the phone today. We are compiling a list of questions.

It is supposed to get up to 40 degrees tomorrow but I am not holding my breath. it was supposed to get up into the 20’s today and it didn’t. However, I AM  going for a walk tomorrow. I went out shopping today so I did get out but it was not much and yesterday absolutely nothing. My pedometer count  this week will be pathetic. For one thing, when I am home not only am I not racking up steps, I keep losing the damn thing! So far today I have lost it and found it again three times!

What have been very helpful to my spirits today are two things. The first is chatting to my sister in England. We are in connection by using the Yahoo Instant Messenger. I really like that better than AOL’s because on this one, I can leave a brief message for her and she will find it when she turns her machine on. This is very good when we live on opposite sides of the world.

The other thing that has raised my spirits is that I have had the I-Pod’s earbuds plugged into me for about three hours. While Fred was sleeping, I was humming and singing along. When he got up I occasionally hummed but mostly I listened. Music  raises my spirits especially if it is something I can sing to. I was thinking today that the I-Pod {which is set on “scramble” right now} really loves Leonard Cohen today but then I have pretty well everything he has put on CD.   Right now, I am listening to him and Jennifer Warnes singing “If It Be Your Will.”  I remember once for an experiment, I had my seventh-graders listen to this a few times, and then write their thoughts on it. They were very interesting and realized it was a prayer. Okay, a change to Gordon Lightfoot singing “Wherefore and Why.” I just went to get Fred a beer and missed most of Cohen singing “By the River’s Dark” and now it is Karen Carpenter  singing “Hurting Each Other.” I should do an I-Poddery list.

Today a lot of my favorites have been making lists of what they want to do next year. I have somewhere a list of Things I Want to Do. {ooooh! “The Swan” by Camille San Saens  I love that piece} I need to hunt that list down and redo it for this coming year. One of my favorites said she wanted to frame and put up some of her photographs and that is something I want to do, too. We do have some of Fred’s sunset photographs  up but none of my stuff. Ok, that will change in the coming year. {“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” sung by {short pause to check IPod—hmmm} Roberta Flack! Very nicely done, too.} Fred was talking about changes he wants to make in the New Year. I thought, but did not say “If you had done this last year, you wouldn’t be here with a damaged heart….” Actually, I didn’t have to say it. He knows it, and he said it. 


  •  “In My Life” played by James Galway. {For years I have thought that if I ever married again, I would have that sung at my wedding.}
  •  “The Way You Look Tonight”  sung by the Lettermen. Lovely simple singable harmony! {Pause to get water and do a singalong}
  • “Whiskey, You’re the Devil!” sung by the Clancy brothers. No harmony but eminently singable!
  • “I Shall Sing” Art Garfunkel from the CD Angel Clare.  More good harmony…
  • “Semper Fidelis” by John Philip Sousa and played by the New York Philharmonic Good to whistle-along-with which is what I am doing.
  • “Music for the Royal Fireworks” played by the Canadian Brass
  • “Carmen: Dance Boheme” by Bizet but there is nothing about who is playing it.

Until later..

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December 21, 2004

I prefer Yahoo Messenger over AOL as well. Isn’t it nice to have something like that to chat with your sister who is so far away?

December 21, 2004

“If it be thy will” was a favorite song of me and my ex. I played it at his grave in February. He always told me that our treatment of each other was a mirror…..in other words how I treated him, he treated me. We kind of heard that in the song.

I prefer Yahoo to AOL for the exact same reason. Plus, they now have those cute Avatars. Either you type R E A L L Y S L O W or your iPod playes reallyfast–three songs in one paragraphf? Wow! 😀 LOL!

December 21, 2004

*huggs* LOL on the gingerbread and ice cream, I bet LS would beg to differ with you. And we had spaghetti last night and left overs tonight. : )

December 21, 2004

I’m glad to hear you had a better day.

December 21, 2004

Oh, I LOVE the stuff Art Garfunkal did solo!!!!!!!! I didn’t know anyone else ever even heard of them!!!!!! And “I shall sing” is one of my favorites! See? I KNEW we were kindred spirits! Love you! Make sure you take care of YOU in all this!! Hugs. And love to The Fred! ~M

December 21, 2004

I bought an IPOD on the way to Florida. I have started copying CD’s onto my computer and then I will transfer the songs I like onto my IPOD. Any suggestions?

December 21, 2004

I’m glad he’s getting his appetite back. That’s great news!

It’s good that Fred is eating. If I had gingerbread made I would have a slice right now. 🙂

December 21, 2004

I always enjoy what you come up to listen to; gives me inspiration it does. Glad to hear that Fred has some appetite — a very good sign. Are you taking the opportunity to take a break when the visiting nurse comes?

December 21, 2004

I love having instant messengers, I can’t imagine not using them now, it’s how I communicate with my children, my sister and my dad most of the time now. 🙂

December 21, 2004

I’m glad Fred’s eating! It is so good to be able to feel you are doing something to help him get better! 🙂 I’m glad you get to chat with your sister often also. Yahoo IM is the one I prefer too. And I always enjoy hearing about your music. Here is wishing you another good day, and I hope you get to go out walking, too! Weesprite

December 21, 2004

That is something i have never done, made a list of things that i want to do in the new year, i think this year will be a first. Thanks for giving me the idea Best Wishes

December 22, 2004

so glad fred appears to have his appetite back! a list of things i want to do in the new year?…hummm..would have to think about that. not sure what i want to do. take care,

December 22, 2004
December 22, 2004

It seems as if the angry phase Fred was going through has passed. I’m relieved to hear that. frank