Feeling better

I am easily amused, but that is no surprise to anyone who has been reading my diary for a while! Today I was out cutting back the dead vines from the fence. I want to try putting up a bird feeder on the window again and the vines prevent me from getting to the window. Anyway, the easily amused thingy–my cell phone rang and I answered it and I was amused that I could have a conversation with someone while outside and using vine cutters!

I want to record how much better and how much more like my old self I am feeling.

  • First, it is book group today and I am not trying to back out of it. It is not only because it is my choice of book this month but I am actually looking forward to seeing everyone!
  • I started cleaning and reorganizing my art room. It is not finished yet but I know what needs to be done next. When it is finished, I shall start painting again. To put this in perspective, I haven’t picked up a paintbrush since last October. When Fred died in May, I actually avoided the room for a couple of months even though my IMac is in there. I have a laptop in the living room and that is what I used.
  • Yesterday I charged up my Nano and refilled it with music of my choice and today I walked around the apartment doing stuff that needed to be done and singing along with the music in my ears.
  • "Doing stuff that needed to be done" is something I have had difficulty with until lately. I showered and had clean clothes all through the bad time but I didn’t clean the apartment or cook for myself for a long time. Now I have the goal of cooking something three times a week and am doing this easily. I am not doing as well as I was with regular housecleaning but the bare minimum is getting done, and even better, I am not totally exhausted when I do this stuff.
  • I have a new mantra by Percy Bysshe Shelley which you will find below. I still do a bit of weeping at times but it doesn’t go on for days and days. I will always miss Fred.

I have to go right now and get myself organized and get something to eat before J. comes to pick me up for the book group…

Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) English Poet



Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. The people we trust with that important talk can help us know that we are not alone. ~Fred Rogers (Mr. Roger







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November 17, 2012

I have loved following your journey through life through OD, ever since we met and became friends here. And now I am learning, through reading about the adjustments you are making since Fred passed away. He was a good man, and I’m glad you two miraculously found each other in this big wide world. You were the perfect partner for him! hugs, Nicky

🙂 Glad you are feeling better.

November 17, 2012

I’m so glad you have been doing these things that bring you joy. I’m especially glad you’ve been cleaning out your art room! Since I recently discovered the joy painting brings, I’m really happy you’re beginning to do that!

November 17, 2012

*hugs* I think it takes a long time to settle into the “new normal” after such a huge loss.

You really are healing…. it’s a slow journey and there are no shortcuts, but you’re getting there. So good to hear you sounding better and enjoying your life again.

November 17, 2012

Hooray for good days. (huggles)

November 17, 2012

🙂 – – – –

November 17, 2012

I agree with all of your noters… I’m glad you’re find a new normal.

November 17, 2012

Great news! Loss goes at its own pace and won’t be hurried. Nor should it be.

November 17, 2012

The good days quickly become priceless, don’t they?

I love you new mantra. My heart is singing with you 🙂

November 18, 2012

So lovely that healing does come. I look forward to reading more of your journey as I am getting to know you.

Glad you are feeling better:) it takes a while to get into a routine after you have lost someone.


November 18, 2012