I Am Ready* Edited

EDITED BIT: Someone at Continental called me last night and changed my flight from 6:45 to 1:15 pm. Apparently yesterdays’s 6:45 flight was cancelled because of "bad weather ‘ {I am thinking thunderstorms} and they fear the same may happen today. I don’t mind one bit because I was going to feel a bit rushed getting my connection from the later flight and now I have plenty of time. I quite like airports and since I have a book and my music, I will have no problem passing the time pleasantly.

The next entry should be from England…

I am all packed. I have the suit case that will go all the way through to Bristol, UK, and the carry-on shoulder bag that will go under the seat. It is pretty heavy since it contains my camera, three paperbacks I got at 25 cents each from the library, my drawing book and pencils and pens, my red wallet with American money and credit cars, a black wallet with English pounds, my travel journal, my medication and my passport and "green" card."

Tomorrow I have two more errands. I need to go to the grocery store and get instant grits for my brother-in-law. When I lived in Mississippi and they came to visit me, he really liked this horrid stuff and I have taken it upon myself to keep him supplied. I also am going to get a chocolate-scented candle for my sister from Yankee Candles. I have brought her one every year I have come to visit her and I really want her to have one this year, too.

At 6:45pm  I will be on a plane to Newark and from there to Bristol in the UK. I get there at 8:55 am local time which means it will be 3:55 am for me!  I should be able to update from England eventually…

Until later…

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July 13, 2005

Good luck Patrisha! Hope you have a good flight… (huggles)

July 13, 2005

Wow! You’re flying to England? Sounds like fun. Do you live in America?

July 13, 2005

Have a safe trip and hope you can keep us posted.

July 13, 2005

Honey, you have the best time while there. You and your sister kick up your heels and do whatever comes to mind. Be spontaneous and just have FUN. You still have a green card? Ever think about making it legal and becoming a YANK? You would be a fantastic attribute to add to the Yanks. Hugs, well wishes and be good. I know I just told you to have a good time, okay, Have a good time. lol

I hope that you have a safe flight.

Of all the foods I’ve tried on my visits to Liz, grits are the only thing I’ve not liked. How anyone can eat that stuff is just beyond me. lol

July 13, 2005

I hope you have a safe trip. I’m sending good thoughts to you and your sister. *hugs*

July 13, 2005

Have a good and safe trip!

July 13, 2005

Have a nice smooth flight.

July 13, 2005

Have a safe trip!

July 13, 2005

Oh wow, the time is finally here! Travel safe and I can’t wait to hear about your journey when you return! Be well,

Add grits to the list of foods I have never tasted and probably never will. Have a safe journey, Patricia! BTW – just to set the record straight – I was wrong about Connor liking coconut ice cream. It is Marsha Marsha Marshmallow he likes. I bought some yesterday.

July 13, 2005

Have a safe trip!

July 13, 2005

Happy trails to you. I hope the airline trip is wonderfully uneventful.

July 14, 2005

Have a good trip! =)

July 14, 2005

Heyy! We’re both going on planes! What a coinciedence! I’m glad that you had a great day! I won’t be writing for a little while since I’ll be in Florida, but I’ll make sure to tell you, along with all of my readers what’s happening! Talk to you laters -James

Have a safe and wonderful trip 🙂

July 14, 2005

Ahhhh I hope you have a WONDERFUL time even though you don’t think you will. Put a smile on your face and take care of you

July 14, 2005

safe travels to you

July 14, 2005

Have a lovely trip. I will be keeping you and yours in my prayers.

July 14, 2005

Have a safe trip and take care over there.

July 14, 2005

Have a safe trip!

July 14, 2005

Safe travels to you! Your sister will feel comforted to have you there. ((((huuuugggg)))) Weesprite

July 14, 2005

storms are expected today. later in the afternoon. i have 5 hours to kill in washington dulles airport on my connecting flight to tennessee. i will have books and music. don’t have an ipod but i do have a portable cd player. hope you have a wonderful and safe trip to england. will continue to pray for your sister. take care,

July 14, 2005

Have a safe trip!

July 14, 2005

Safe Travels, and thanks for the birthday wishes!!!

Have a safe trip!

July 14, 2005

Here’s to wishing you a safe journey!!! Have fun!!! Josh

July 14, 2005

Have a safe smooth flight. You will be in our thoughts that all goes well.

July 14, 2005

Good luck with the trip, and I hope it all goes well and safely.

July 14, 2005

I know this a sad trip for you but still I think you may have a very special time together. Good luck with everything.

July 14, 2005

Have a wonderful trip. Say hi to my nephew for me will you? LOL I can’t wait to hear (read) about it all.

Safe journey.

Hope you have a safe trip! Look forward to hearing from you from England.

July 15, 2005

*huggs* and be safe

July 20, 2005

Cool hearing from you all the way over in Jolly Olde! I still have some anise left….wonder if I could chop it up and freeze it for later use?

RYN: How very, very true. I am only glad that I can learn this lesson now, when I’m so young, and it has the opportunity to shape my whole life. Thank you for your note.

Have a jolly good time on your trip. I loved England, although I didn’t get to see as much of it as I would have like to have seen. It is a beautiful place, and I would love to visit again. Keep us posted, and I hope you have a wonderful time. Love,