I Have No Idea What Day It Is!

I am almost reluctant to write this because, superstiously, if I do he will slip back, but Fred seems to be getting a little better.

  • He is still showering himself. He did this on his first day home!
  • He asked me for a clean shirt this morning.
  • His bowel movements are still not totally under his control but he now knows when it is happening most of the time. And it is not diarrhea.
  • The swelling in his legs seems to be slowly going down. Under doctor’s orders, he tripled the dose of his normal diuretic this morning.
  • He told me this morning that he is willing to wear one of those strap-on urinary collection bags afor a while and he had talked to Nikki {the nurse} about it. Having to insert a catheter every four hours means he is sleeping very lightly. {And me too} Oh, and he managed to do it himself one time during the night. 
  • He is remembering to take all his medications twice a day. I still have to be with him to double-check that he is taking the correct ones{on his request} but I have stopped reminding him to take them. {On the first day he was home, I had to ask him if he had checked his blood. This is the man who has been doing it six times a day for over 20 years!}
  • He is eating better. I am not offering him food but waiting for him to tell me he is hungry and to tell me what he wants.
  • He is occasionally taking off his oxygen and seems to be all right for a short time. When he showers, he leaves the canulla outside the bathroom because there is a heater on the floor in there. A few minutes ago, he left it on his desk when he went to use the commode in the bedroom. {To put this in some sort of a perspective, the first day the visiting nurse came, she put the pulse-ox gadget on his finger and took him off the oxygen to check how he was doing. The effect of talking, plain stringing words together, dropped the reading alarmingly.}

This morning I got a phone call from a social worker. She will be coming with the nurse to discuss  how I can get some help and not feel so overwhelmed. The Ativan worked miracles but it knocked me out eventually and anyway, I don’t want to take drugs I don’t need to. That self-medication was definitely a one-off.

What I NEED I have been thinking, is some time every day or even every day or so, when I can go out and walk. I have been doing this occasionally but I take the cell phone so I am tethered still, so to speak. I need my solitude more than I need a massage. {When I tell you, I am desperate for a massage, you will realize how much I need some solitude, too.}

I appreciate all the notes and the encouragement to keep writing. I try not to whine but whining is sometimes what I need to do. When I am really the Queen of Whiners, I will make my entries private. Otherwise, I will carry on as I am doing…

Off to clean out the potty-chair…

Until later…

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I really hope he continues to improve. hugs, Serena

December 23, 2004

Hopefull all this support, abet online is helping you cope.

December 23, 2004

yes, you do need some private time!!!! probably more than anything!!!! Of course going out for a short walk is still good, even if you must take the cell phone. But perhaps someone could come sit with Fred for an hour or two so you could go out. I hope so!! And hope you get that massage soon too. Remember: YOU ARE DOING FINE….and it really won’t last forever tho it seems like it is! hugs,

December 23, 2004

I hadn’t realized in the aftermath, Fred was going to be so incapacitated.. I’m glad he’s inching along the road to being better. And if you need to whine, whine away! That’s what these diaries are for! Stay strong! ~ Carrie

December 23, 2004

You whine all you like Best Wishes

Under the circumstances, I think you are perfectly entitled to “vent” your feelings. You certainly can’t tell them to him or he will feel worse. Telling them to a sympathetic crowd (us) will help. What’s that old saying: “A joy shared is doubled. A burden shared is halved.”

This all sounds like marvelous, if slow, progress. As for your need to whine.. as my sweetie says, as long as you serve some cheese with it, no one will object! (By the way, it doesn’t read as whining to me.)

December 23, 2004

I’m hoping you can get out for your walks soon.

December 23, 2004

seems more like a stating of facts than whining to me. i’m glad fred is getting better. that will take some of the pressure off you. take care,

December 23, 2004

Whine away, that’s what we’re all here for. I’m glad that Fred’s getting better. Every day a little better. I wonder if getting out and walking for even five or ten minutes at a time would help? You wouldn’t have to put on as many clothes, and you’d be right back if you were needed for anything. Hugz,

December 23, 2004

p.s. I just read your entry where Fred is getting his appetite back. That’s a great sign!

It’s Thursday, Patricia. But no wonder you don’t know what day it is. Hopefully, every day will see Fred getting better and things being easier on you.

Doesn’t sound like whining to me!

December 23, 2004

We all need a place to vent sometimes and I use this place alot. It really makes you think about your later years in life, and do you really want to raise an child all over again. It really puts into persepective taking care of an elderly person. I don’t know if I would have the patience to do that. But then again I think about what would someone do for me? Alot to think about.

December 28, 2004

I don’t think when people are going through something trying that it is whining. So I personally do not think you are whining. I think both you and Fred are going through a time here. I hope and pray that he gets better quickly. Blessings.