More Thoughts on Juicing

Yesterday I didn’t feel well. I didn’t actually feel ill but I felt not well. While I was thinking about this this morning, it occurred to me that I actually didn’t juice anything and drink it yesterday. It wasn’t deliberate but my usual pattern of getting up and eating breakfast was messed up by the fact that I had to fast before I gave blood.

Now, in the last few days before yesterday while I have been making a tall glass of juice sometime during the morning, I have noticed I also have felt quite good and had some energy. I was actually bit surprised because my usual pattern with eating or drinking sweet stuff is a small jump in energy lasting a short time and then a deep drop often causing me to need to sleep. But it seems this juice energy stays with me most of the day. I was really thinking that this was only in my own mind but since I didn’t have any juice yesterday and definitely lacked energy, perhaps the juice doesn’t have a placebo effect!

Not that I reject placebo effects  My brain is a powerful organ. Longtime readers may remember all the testing I went through during the last few months of Fred’s illness and subsequent death. I was short of breath and dizzy a lot and after undergoing test for problems with my heart and/or lungs, the bottom line of the eventual diagnosis  was panic attacks. My powerful brain was affecting my body because of the stress of that time. Once I realized this, I made a point of breathing properly and telling my brain that *I* was the boss of this, so just STOP this! And it worked. I have had a couple of panic attacks since then and they have all been ended by breathing and telling my brain to STOP this stuff… So, anyway, I am feeling very positive about this juicing and intend to go on with it. I am not doing it to lose weight –I have no problem with the weight I am–but to make what remains of my life better.

And, apropos of this,  the book The Top 100 Juices by Sarah Owen arrived today. The table of contents is arranged by what the author says these juices do. {You can see I am not on that particular bandwagon by how I phased the previous sentence, right? } Some of the headings are Weight Shifters, Anti-agers and Brain boosters.   BUT, there is also an index of vegetables and fruit which looks as if it will be very useful to me. For example, if I have cauiflower, which, actually I do, on page 102, there is a carrot, cauliflower and turmeric juice recipe which sounds very interesting taste-wise. I am pretty sure I have turmeric, too. I am not going to put this small, fat book on the shelf with my cook books; this book is going into one of the kitchen cupboards where I can get to it easily!

“That which we persist in doing becomes easier. It is not that the task itself has become easier, but that our ability to perform it has improved.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson







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September 4, 2013

I have tried juicing but it never lasted long.

I’ve been juicing off and on for the last few months, I tend to quit because the clean up is so time consuming. I definitely feel better when I have a couple of juice blends or smoothies throughout the day though.

September 4, 2013

I’ll be interested in reading what you think about that particular combination, especially the tumeric. I’ve read that it has pain-fighting properties. I have meant to use it, but still haven’t bought it.

September 4, 2013

I’ve never tried the juicing thing — but who knows, it might actually have something to it. I will be looking forward to what you come up with and the results.