Morning Entry

I called my dentist to confirm the appointment for my cleaning on the 13th of this month and, until I heard her, I had forgotten how amazingly perky the front office person was. I told her I needed to check the status of my prescription for antibiotics and she said, "All-RI-I-I-I-GHT!" It is a prescription! I haven’t done something amazing!

I was going around being pretty perky myself this morning and rejoicing that there was no snow on the cars when Fred laughed and told me there was snow on mine. I went out to look and the "snow-hat" from the roof had slid down over the windshield! I parked it on the street yesterday while we went for a grocery run in Fred’s car and when I went out to move it back, I noticed that weak though the sun was, it had caused a little trickle of water down the windshield. I guess driving it into the parking area caused the snow to move. Anyway, it will be no big thing to get it off.

This morning I am going first to physical therapy and then to the dealers to get a new state inspection sticker because {whisper} mine ran out at the end of February. I am also going to make some inquiries about the price of getting a car starter installed; one of those to start the car from inside. One of Fred’s sons-in-law had them installed on all his family’s cars and it is certainly nice to go out to a warmed and ice-free car. However, I am not sure it would be worth the money for me.since it is not as if I go out to work every day. Anyway, asking costs nothing. I must also remember to check that my car’s registration and insurance are in the car. I have them but I have a bad habit of not having them in the car!

It is not supposed to snow today but in the forecast is freezing rain and sleet showers. Tomorrow I am NOT going to go to ceramics but I AM going to Italian. The Italian class is from 3 to 4:30 and I am debating going in a little early and officially dropping the class. The more I think about it, the happier I feel about not going. Odd though it sounds, it is just physically too much for me at this time. Actually, I may not need tp officially drop it since I am auditing. Since I pay no tuition, I would not get that back and there is no refunds of material fees.

Until later…


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

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That is funny about your car being the one car with snow on it, like some cosmic practical joke.

Honestly? I adore my car starter. True, I head out every morning around 6 am, but still. It’s changed my life for the better, which sounds ridiculous but is true. They’re pricey, but less than you might expect–a few hundred dollars. And now is the time of year when they go on sale. I hear advertisements for a company up in Burlington that installs them, but I can’t quite think of the name….

lol!!! I love perky people. They crack me up.

Freezing rain? Stay home, for sure.

March 3, 2008

Irony. 🙂

March 3, 2008

People who are as perky as that person ought to be in business making aerobics videos like Richard Simmons! :o) !! Sleet and freezing rain? That’s worse than snow! I am not gonna brag, but we do have sunshine and warmth today. Tomorrow, though…. is anyone’s guess! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

March 3, 2008

If I still lived in NY, I would definitely have a car starter. My aunt got one and they are absolutely wonderful!

March 3, 2008

I hate when there is snow on the cars.

March 3, 2008

i used to have a car starter but not any more. when it broke i didn’t have it fixed. since i have to clean the snow off the roof of my car i just go out and turn the car on and let it run while i clean the snow off. sleet and freezing rain coming in tomorrow night and wednesday morning. i can hope that winter is over after every storm can’t it? take care,

March 3, 2008

I love my car starter. It’s good for hot weather too, if you remember to leave your a/c on before shutting off the car. Although I’m not so sure you’d use it much for cooling up in Vermont!

March 3, 2008

Random noter: I used to have that same bad habit of not keeping my registration and insurance papers in the car. Then I found out the hard way that the highway patrol frown on that practice. Found your OD on random, I like your style. I also love Firefly! 🙂