Mouse Has Gone *

EDIT: The mouse was on the sticky trap this morning. I called the office and someone came to get it. It was still alive when the guy took it out of here.

So, Jake and I got to talking about this mouse and he suggested that I put sliver of potato {since I know the mouse eats potatoes} in the middle of the sticky trap. I had just made a loaf of bread so I put sliver of bread in the middle of both traps. The bread in the trap on the floor has gone! The mouse is not there. I went back to look at the other trap and the bread was not firmly embedded so I did that.

Tomorrow I am getting poison…

There is one good thing about dealing with  this mouse and that is I did a super excellent cleanup in the kitchen. This included cleaning out my toaster in which there was evidence that the mouse had been there. It is now very clean inside and outside and there is a cloth held down by stuff too heavy for the mouse to move over the toaster openings.







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April 19, 2013

OY! Good luck getting rid of that mouse. POISON!!!!!! That’s what i would use for sure.

April 19, 2013

Just saying, but cats really do the job well. I’m surprised the sticky trap didn’t work for you. It did for me back in my pre-cat days. I hope you can get rid of them in a way that makes you not have to see or touch them!

April 19, 2013

Peanut butter gets them. You smear it on, so they have to work at it to get it off and they spring the trap. It’s also a humane death because their spinal cord snaps. Poison can lead to a dead mouse in the wall making it smell like you would not believe. If you put a mothball in the hole the mouse is using and then push some steel wool in there, chances are he won’t be using that hole again

April 19, 2013

I second peanut butter. We had a few mice take up residence in our house in the fall. We called terminix because we tried everything and nothing worked. The terminix man used a glob of peanut butter in the middle of a glue boards. It solved the problem within days.

My BIL and SIL once had two mice get stuck on one of those glue traps and the mice actually got in what I imagine was a mouse chew out. It was actually pretty comical listening to them. Hope you catch your guy pretty quickly though. Hugs,M

Maybe poison the bread, or the potato… ?

April 19, 2013

I use “Spring Traps” with a metal trigger. I shove a piece of a pretzel stick through the rolled over end of the trigger and layer on the peanut butter. When they gnaw on the pretzel they always spring the trap. When they just try to “lap” up the peanut butter they do not always spring the trap. 🙂 – – – –

April 20, 2013

We get those covered mousetraps. They are made by DeCon as well as a few other companies and are often called “easy set” traps or something like that. They work like regular mousetraps, but the “trap” part is enclosed in a little box-like thingy and they are really EASY to set. We put peanut butter on them as bait. It rarely takes us long to catch a mouse with these. Look in your hardware store!<br> Good luck! hugs, Nicky

April 20, 2013

Patrisha: 1, Mouse: 0. 😉

April 20, 2013

glad it’s gone!

April 20, 2013

kurt uses pnut butter when there were mice in the basement at his house. catches them every time. glad your mouse is gone. take care,

Poor mouse…but glad he is out of your kitchen:)

Glad your mouse is gone!

April 20, 2013

If pets are allowed in the flat, you might borrow your sons cat for a while. Mice will clear off when they start to smell a cat around the place. We got a humane trap when we had a mouse problem in the last house. I kept catching them and releasing them in the garden on a daily basis. We put steel wool around any opening we found that might have been the entrance point. My dog killed the lastone I released in the garden and that was the end of the mouse problem. Made me think that it was only one mouse that kept coming in the house instead of a bunch of them.