Penultimate Day

I go home tomorrow! My bags are packed and awaiting the last bits and pieces.

So far today, Toby took Victor and me to town this morning since Victor wanted to get a new battery put in his watch. Then we wandered around a bit and decided to look  for a taxi. Well, they used to be right outside Marks and Spencers but now there were just handicapped parking spaces. We decided to call a cab. I had remembered to put the list of cab numbers in my pocket but this was the moment that Victor and I turned to each other and said, "Have you got the mobile?" Oooops! The cell phone was my sister’s and it was cheerfully charging back home in the kitchen! We had a cup of coffee and the nice server called a cab for us.

Instead of going home, we went to the garden center and farm shop. They have a cafe with lovely food so we had a sausage roll each and I had tea. After that, we walked around the food store and I found MARMITE biscuits! Wheee! {And a couple of neat made-in-England food things for Fred which I can’t mention here because he reads this diary and I want them to be a surprise  }

Next, we walked home. Now, this is about a fifteen-to-twenty minute walk for me but Victor has Parkinsons. Toby had told me that I was to call him on his mobile if Victor was having difficuly and he would come from work to pick us up. Since we didn’t have the mobile, I asked Victor if he was sure he wanted to try the walk and he said he was. But, by taking it slowly and with lots of stops, we made it back to the house in 45 minutes and Victor was very pleased with himself. When he was going to the hospice every day and sitting watching Robbie dying, he was very stressed. He wasn’t sleeping and his stomach, legs and feet were swelling. But this morning his ankles are back to normal and he is getting some rest so he is feeling much better.

Toby is going to take us out this evening to a local pub which, apparently has very good food so I am looking forward to that.

But, the best part is that I am going home and I will see Fred tomorrow!

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July 30, 2005

home is the best place to be, especially if you have someone you love dearly waiting for you! take care,

Victor needed a new battery for his watch. How very perfectly symbolic of the situation. His very energy had drained with the stress of the situation, and now that the stress has alleviated, his watch can no longer operate. The difference in his energy charge was too much for it.

July 30, 2005

Victor making that walk home is great!! I’m glad you were there with him, that gave him the confidence to do it. He’s going to miss you, but Fred is going to be so happy tomorrow. 🙂

I know it will be good to be back home. Enjoy the pub tonight!

July 30, 2005

LOL! Those mobiles only work if you bring ’em with you! 😉

July 30, 2005

Going home is always such a nice feeling. Again, have a safe trip. And thank you for the notes. 🙂

July 30, 2005

There’s no place like home. Have a good trip, and we’ll see you soon!!!!! Love to you! ~M

Going home to our loved ones is always the best part of the trip. ryn: yepp..I noticed the guys title “Lust”…and Mike popped right into my head..LOL! Your perceptive 🙂

July 30, 2005

I love Fred’s pet names for you; they’re so sweet. :o) frank

July 30, 2005

I am sure Fred will be just as happy to see you!!! Have a nice journey.

July 30, 2005

WooHoo – Safe Travels!!!

July 30, 2005

See? Your good health habits are catching!

July 30, 2005
July 30, 2005

I hope you have a good and safe trip home. 🙂

July 30, 2005

**clicking heels**…there’s no place like home……… 🙂

July 30, 2005

Have a safe trip home!

July 30, 2005

I hope you have a nice, smooth trip home.

July 30, 2005
July 30, 2005

Yep, there is no place like home. Have a great time at the pub, a peaceful flight home and a fantastic time back in Fred’s arms. hugs, r

July 31, 2005

What is Marmite? Have fun with Fred!

July 31, 2005

Hi, Patrisha, Haven’t been to your journal for a long time so just got caught up with your trip. So sorry to hear about your sister. I’m glad you are back home with Fred; hope all is well. Claire

July 31, 2005

You should be on your way home now…. I’m glad you got to spend time with your sister

Home is always a good place to be

August 1, 2005

I just read from Fred’s diary that you are home. Welcome back.