Tired, PT & school

Therer are times when I feel a bit guilty because I am not writing too much these days and that includes notes. I seem to be so tired all the time. One reason I am tired is that physical therapy is wearing me out. I am doing mostly the same exercises but now whenever it is possible to add weights, Candace adds them. I came home from PT yesterday and took a three-hour nap!

 Of course, I was also hurting from the day before because the day I went back to class was the day I got to use the potter’s wheel. One thing I am constantly being reminded about myself is that for me to do two physical things at one time seems to be always difficult in the beginning. On the wheel I was having a problem pressing inwards with my hands AND moving them upwards on the clay. As a result, I was constantly tearing my clay blob because my hands stayed to long in one place! And when I was finished {with no success} I was aching from bending over the wheel! I am probably going tomorrow because we have to have some sort of a pot thrown by next week. Harold emphasized that he did NOT expect it to be good but he did expect something! 

My coiled pot lost its bottom during the first firing so now it is a coiled pillar! I glazes it with "blackberry wine" glaze with touches of green. It was very freeing to glaze it with no worry because it was broken anyway! I still have to do the baking dish but because I was absent for one lesson, it didn’t make it to the first firing shelf until yesterday. I am SO glad I am not getting grades for this stuff! LOL

In Italian, la professoressa went over the possessive forms again and I kind of understand it now. The homework is to learn the long list of -are verbs in the book because today, apparently, we will be conjugating them in the present tense! Actually, in writing, I can do that pretty well already. In speaking, I have to think about it still.

OK, time for breakfast and I still need to take an analgesic for my aching hip and butt muscles. I slept like the proverbial log last night despite the three-hour nap so I obviously needed it.


"Step by step. I can’t think of any other way of accomplishing anything."

Michael Jordan

None will improve your lot If you yourself do not.

Bertolt Brecht, 1933

Log in to write a note

You just take care of you and don’t worry about OD too much. hugs,

February 21, 2008

Never mind about the pot! Practise makes perfect! I read every day, but don’t always note. It’s so time consuming!

February 21, 2008

I would not make a good pot either, I guess, cuz I am NOT good at doing two physical things at once! Sometimes we just have times when we need more rest…. either for a reason we can readily understand, or for no discernable reason (but even then, there IS a reason somewhere!) I think it’s great if we can just learn to rest without feeling bad about doing so, really! :o) !! hugs, Weesprite

February 21, 2008

you just do what you have to do and don’t worry about open diary. we’ll be here when you are able to return. i’m sorry the p/t is making you so tired. sounds like you needed all that sleep yesterday. take care,

I would love to take pottery. Sounds like so much fun!!!

February 21, 2008

blackberry wine glaze sounds beautiful! sorry the pot lost its bottom though.

February 21, 2008

Your muscles just need to learn a new movement, always difficult at first You’re sure to get them trained soon, and then there will be no holding you back. Personally, I blame tiredness on the snow. I’m TIRED of it!!!

February 21, 2008

I have been tired like this lately too… I just don’t have the energy to do mcuh. I think it’s thyroid related.

February 21, 2008

I have hard time in winter because of Hydration. I forget to get enough water into system. have fun…dan

February 21, 2008

Making pots can be very frustrating. Mr. Marine taught a class on it that I took once. I had never made anything in grade school art that didn’t once finished, turn into an ashtray. First pot I made in his class, the sides got smashed a bit, so his assistant sanded them down and when she was finished…with the little dips, what does it look like? A giant ashtray. 🙂

February 21, 2008

We’ll be here when you get here. And we’ll be sending you good thoughts while you’re absent! I totally sympathize on the muscle thing. Ouches are never fun, no matter what they come from. Love to you~ ~M

February 21, 2008

Well it’s sort of a good tired when you are physically tired. Take good care of yourself. Blessings.

February 21, 2008

I was a sleepaholic today — could not summon energy for much, but did get dishes washed tonight and the kitchen tidied, so it wasn’t a complete wash. I’m looking forward to Book of Longing as well, and glad to hear that you liked Sting’s Labyrinth — I’m wondering what he will come up with next.

Your pottery class sounds like so much fun.