Monday School: Rape is a part of God’s Plan?

Welcome back to Monday School… still your “Rational Corrective To All That Nonsense They Tried To Teach You Yesterday!”

Today’s Lesson: Are bad things that happen to good people really a necessary part of ‘God’s Plan’?

This week we are going to take an interesting look at a very interesting comment that was again made by someone who is religious about something bad that happens to women. Now one of them said something really bad. And in stating his ignorant comments, this Republican turd pretty much threw God under the bus. I doubt God fearing voters would really appreacite that.

Just when you thought the GOP couldn’t say anything worse than what Todd Akin said earlier this year about a subject as sensitive as rape… somehow someone managed to do just that by tossing in the right ingredient: God.

Last week during a debate last night between candidates running for a Senate seat in the the state of Indiana, GOP candidate Richard Mourdock first stated that the only exception for abortion he’d allow is if the mother’s life is in danger.

As if that was enough, Mourdock then explained why he doesn’t support abortions in the case of rape: “I’ve struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from god. And even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.”

Wow, can you believe the nerve of this guy? Not only does he not support abortion of any kind, even in the cases of rape and incest, but he claims that women being raped are a part of God’s plan and that women should be grateful and accept God’s gifts? Really?

I happen to disagree with that statement. Rape is a crime, and not only should the men who commit it serve decades in jail for it (getting raped themselves in the shower) but women should be free to abort unwanted pregnancies and be forced to live with someone else’s decision.

I find it very convinent that a man forcing himself on an unwilling female is a part of God’s plan, but two men engaging in consentual activities is an abomination. Am I the only one who realizes how stupid and hypocritical this sounds?

This is one of many reasons why I am an atheist, that being religion’s complete contempt for women and their rights to decide what happens to their own bodies. I support a woman’s right to choose, always have… and comments like the one Mourdock made make me sick.

I would personally like to hear from Christians on this one. Do you agree with Mourdock’s views, that children that are created by rape are gifts from God and therefore should not be aborted?

I look forward to reading your response.


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October 29, 2012

Some Republican Taliban putting his foot in his mouth..

It’s comments like that, that made me vow never to vote Republican. Not like I would have before hand, but after all their various comments on the topic of rape (and they are ALL disgusting), it just sealed the deal for me to always be a Democrat. 🙂 Light of heart,

October 29, 2012

I would argue that if we are to accept rape as part of God’s plan that we might as well not even hold the rapist legally accountable, for our laws have no merit against God’s command. So if we can’t agree to that, I don’t see how we can agree that being brutally raped was part of the plan either.

October 29, 2012

Hmm… My husband (Atheist) and his brother (mega Christian) were talking about a similar topic two weeks ago. All the things my BIL said would be far too difficult to sum up in notes. But, basically, he believes that Christians should live according to God’s laws, but humans in general should still have some freedom of choice.

October 29, 2012

Although my BIL doesn’t believe in taking human life for any reason (incl. abortion and the death penalty) he still believes a woman should have the legal ability to chose what to do with the baby. Whatever she decides should be between her and God. But, if she is a Christian, and she has an abortion, she should expect some sort of spiritual judgement.

October 29, 2012

Oh bloody hell… That’s pretty much the only thing I can muster.

October 29, 2012

As for rape, that goes against laws of both God and man and should be punished accordingly. The rapist should be punished in this life by his fellow humans (but not the death penalty, apparently) and he should be spiritually punished after this life by God. … If that makes any sense. I dunno. I am probably not explaining it very well. *sigh*

October 30, 2012

Not a Christian, though I have to say this: How is it God’s will that someone be raped but it’s all a choice when someone discovers they are not attracted to the opposite sex? What is it with Christians and sex anyway? Thirdly, I firmly believe this has nothing to do with life’s sacredness and more about control of women. Discuss. 🙂

I know what I would do personally… but that doesn’t mean that I would force my choices on others. That being said… In Islam if a man raped a woman his punishment was DEATH. So to answer the question no I dont believe rape is a part of ‘God’s Plan’.

October 30, 2012

The one thing I appreciate about these wackos is that they’re generally consistent regarding fetuses. If a fetus exists, it’s meant to, and thus killing it is wrong regardless of how it came to be conceived. That being said, the world I live in isn’t black and white so these people sound a little nuts/insensitive/backwards.

Invisible man in the sky says abortion is evil, but it’s perfectly acceptable for leaders to force war between countries and kill off legions of people over minor-medium level financial issues. If we all invented men in the sky to keep from having to use our brains, there would be a LOT of freaking religions. Oh wait…

I personally don’t favor abortion, but I do see instances where it would be “acceptable”for lack of a better word. Just my non religious two cents.