Still kicking and ready for more

I am pleased to report that the predictions of cranky Nostradamus (see previous entry) did not come true. Like the many doomsday reports we get from religious nuts every six months, we have survived again. Two mornings have passed since that douche bag’s rude comment and not only is yours truly still around, but I’m looking forward to OD 2.0 launching very soon. Looking forward to seeing everyone back… well most of them.

To those returning who didn’t have the pleasure of being a part of the beta testing phase, I want to take the time to welcome you all back and hope that you enjoy your stay here is as fun as it was for us for the last few months. While no system is perfect, any kind of Open Diary is better than the alternative that we had for the last three and a half years. Absence truly made the heart grow fonder, and I never found any kind of decent substitute for the hole that was in my heart since OD first shut down.

I’ve got the boys this weekend, so between hanging out with them and doing a bit of comic book writing over the weekend, I will try to post some notes here and spread some OD love. That’s if the site doesn’t crash from traffic of the oodles of OD users rushing to come home (knock on wood).

A lot has happened in three years. My divorce became final after just over five years of separation. I lost my mother, who’s been gone for almost fifteen months now. My first son is in high school, and is doing so well I’ve pinched myself every time I’ve seen a report card or heard back about a test.

There are some things I am keeping to myself.  Some things only a select handful in my real life even know. I was never one to broadcast my troubles, and not much of a drama queen either. I look at people who use their pain, their hardships to foster attention and I’m like where the fuck is your god damn pride? If there is nothing anyone can do to ease the pain, why bother them with the details in the first place and take the wind out of their sails? Selfish is the word that comes to mind, and why I choose to keep some cards close to my chest.

Rather than bitch about things we cannot control, I prefer to look at the glass as half full. My boys are doing better than expected, the ex-wife doesn’t nag me as much as I see other ex-wives do, and Dad is kicking it in Florida. I have to say retirement suits him very well. Last but not least, I’m still here… and for the time being that’s going to have to be enough.

Now we have Open Diary back. The glass has a little more liquid in it now than it had before.

Another reason to be thankful.

Welcome home,


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January 26, 2018

Well said, a very good welcome back summary. I saw the banner on the main page. They’re coming!

January 26, 2018

Hello! It’s nice to be back, finally

January 27, 2018

I feel you on not posting everything in your life. I read some of the shit people post on Facebook and I have to stop myself from telling them to nut up and be an adult.