Theme of the week 13 – 26

One of the things I’ve been neglecting in addition to this diary in general is the theme of the week that has been chugging along without me. The last time I did a theme entry, I took several questions and answered them like a survey to make it a more meaty entry. I actually preferred that so I’m going to do that again to give everyone a nice, filling entry.

So here are my answers for theme of the week # 13 to 26:


13. If you could bring one person back and have a conversation with, who would it be?

I would like to speak to Hunter S. Thompson.

As a writer, I’ve always been a big fan of Hunter, and would have loved to pick his brain about our craft and use his words to inspire and provoke some great writing from yours truly. I’m reading his books to look for that inspiration, but I wish he was still here to comment on how fucked up things are in politics today…


14. Tell us five things you are grateful for.

I’m grateful for a few things:

  1. My health, whcih is something I haven’t taken for granted since the stroke.
  2. My kids, which recently expanded with the addition of my Kit Kat.
  3. My older brother, who has been a pillar to lean on for years.
  4. The many distractions (like TV, movies, video games, books) that keep me out of trouble.
  5. The ability to express myself with words and the many platforms available to share them.


15. Nobody knows that I…

When I was fourteen, I spend the majority of that year in a group home for troubled youths. It was difficult living away from my parents and only visiting on certain weekends. I don’t share that detail with many people, but I was there for almost ten months in 1989. I don’t have an ill will of that one year I spent at the group home, but at the same time I think it prepared me for living away from home.


16. What do you consider your greatest strength?

I would have to say my ability to not quit and carry on is a strength. Despite my health, and other various problems, I have not missed a single weekend with the kids and keep working on my books regardless. I’ve taken every setback tossed my way and carried on. I think that’s a good one.


17. Who are you descended from?

My parents are both descended from Irish/Scottish roots… but they’ve both resided in Canada for a long time. My Dad’s family has been in southern Ontario since the 1850’s, and we have an heirloom from back them to prove it.


18. Tell us about a particularly enjoyable day.

A recently good memory was when I took the boys to their first Maple Leaf game for Ethan’s birthday in 2018:

Fun was had by all, and better yet… the Leafs won!

Also sending pics of the boys in their jerseys was fun cause their mom is a Bruins fan. Ha ha!


19. A teacher’s influence.

I had a lot of great teachers that helped me throughout the years, but the one that really turned things around for me was Mr. Kirk Smith, who was my Grade 6 and 7 teacher. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t think I would have graduated from anything or be where I am today. 


20. Three foods you would take to a desert island.

Three foods to take with me to a deserted island:

1. Cheeseburgers

2. Tacos

3. Diet Dr. Pepper


21. The most beautiful scenery you’ve ever seen.

I would have to say the best scenery I’ve ever seen was on a tropical island in Korea.

I spent several days on the island a ten hour ferry ride from the mainland called Cheju Do Island, and the scenes there were breathtaking. One of the resorts I stayed at has huge cliffs overlooking the south china sea.

I’m sure there’s more but I can’t think any right now.


22. What inspires you?

Right now I am inspired by many things:

  • My kids
  • My friends
  • Stories of people in the world
  • Other words by fellow writers


23. What is your first childhood memory?

My earliest childhood memory is about my grandma, the one on my mom’s side. I remember visiting her at facility that she used to volunteer at. My mom and I would visit and hang out with her. I was around 5 at the time, and it’s the only memory I have of her as she passed away later that year.


24. What qualities are important to you in a close friend?

In order to by my friend you require patience, a dark sense of humor and the ability to be humble as you lose a few debates. I’m kidding, if someone can be loyal and honest.. we’ll go a long way as I am very loyal and honest with my friends. I don’t ask for any more than I would expect from myself as a friend.


25. What do you do or where do you go when you need to renew your spirit?

I like to go out and do something fun to renew my spirit… going to a ball game or a concert let’s me break away from the grind and give me a chance to let loose. After that I’m usually good to get back to work.


26. Are you a water person?

I don’t mind water, but I really don’t like how bland it is. I have taste buds and water doesn’t impress them very much. So I like to have iced tea, regular tea, or even soda every now and then. Arizona’s green iced tea is really good and low in sugar too!





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February 27, 2020

I like to consider myself loyal and trustworthy because if you are not then you will be very lonely….I think you and I would make great friends…By the way I have a corny sense of humor…is that okay with you?